Reference and Reading Room Systems

Reference and Reading Room Systems

Some ArchivesSpace institutions use external systems for managing the workflows related to fulfilling photoduplication or reading room requests for items in their collections. To better serve their researchers, they need to be able to request these items directly from the ArchivesSpace public UI. For fulfillment requests coming from other systems, such as a digital asset management system, it is possible to augment those requests with the data stored within ArchivesSpace to facilitate more efficient processing and workflows. Conversely, one could augment ArchivesSpace with statistics and other information collected by these fulfillment systems.

Table of Content

  1. Circa

  2. Aeon



Date updated: 2022-01-14



Trevor Thornton, trthron2@ncsu.edu
A web-based system for managing requests for special collections materials developed by North Carolina State University. The application includes a JSON API, built in Ruby on Rails, and a default front end written in Angular.js (v. 1.6.x).
Circa provides close integration with ArchivesSpace, upon which the application depends for managing containers associated with specific collection components, as well as the location of those containers. It can also support requests for materials described in an ILS.
Circa allows users to import data from ArchivesSpace via the AS API. Currently this requires the user to copy/paste the AS record URI into Circa, which it then uses to make the API request.


Documentation & Support

Additional Resources

Documentation in Git Repo.
Supports ArchivesSpace 2.5+, though not yet tested with v2.7.0+
Support through GitHub issues queue and user community




Planning changing method for selecting an AS record, using an integrated search/browse component that NCSU has recently developed as a Ruby gem. NCSU will also be updating the front-end code to remove a dependency on an older JavaScript framework.

Known Implementers


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Date updated: 2022-01-14



Atlas Systems
Aeon is a request management and workflow software system for archives and special collections.
There are currently three alternative plug-ins for ArchivesSpace to enable end users to order materials they wish to view:
* One created by Atlas Systems which replaces the standard request button on resource or archival object pages with one that sends information about the record being viewed to the Aeon system.
* A version of the Atlas plug-in modified by the University of Maryland so that the request button is on the top container pages, so that the details sent to Aeon are of the box.
* A different plug-in, developed by Hudson-Molonglo for Harvard University, which implements a shopping-basket-style request list in the ArchivesSpace PUI.
Additionally, there is an add-on for the Aeon client to allow staff to view and import information from ArchivesSpace records when dealing with requests.


Documentation & Support

Additional Resources

GitHub - AtlasSystems/ArchivesSpace-Aeon-Fulfillment-Plugin
GitHub - umd-lib/umd_aeon_fulfillment: ArchivesSpace plugin for Aeon fulfillment requests for UMD Libraries
GitHub - harvard-library/request_list: Harvard Repo for ASpace AEON integration plugin
GitHub - AtlasSystems/AeonArchivesSpaceClientAddon: This addon is used to integrate the ArchivesSpace staff interface into the Aeon Client request form so that staff can search the records of their ArchivesSpace instance and import details into Aeon requests.
Documentation in GitHub repositories
Recorded webinar





Known Implementers


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