Aggregated Discovery Layers

Aggregated Discovery Layers

Many ArchivesSpace institutions have implemented multiple ways of searching across the variety of resources that they maintain, such as the ArchivesSpace public UI and published finding aids. Some would like to consolidate their data into a single search interface/discovery layer so that their patrons can search all of their collections in a single place.

Table of Contents

  1. ArcLight



Date updated: 2022-04-08



 Stanford University, with assistance from a number of contributing institutions, including University of Michigan, Princeton University, Duke University, Indiana University, the National Library of Medicine, Georgia Tech, the Chemical Heritage Foundation, and the Rockefeller Archives Center.

According to its website, ArcLight is “a Blacklight-based environment to support discovery and delivery for archives and special collections, initiated by Stanford University Libraries in late 2014. The vision for ArcLight has been to support discovery and delivery of archives and special collections (both physical and digital), to improve presentation and usability for archival description, and to enable integration with systems like Samvera, ArchivesSpace, and request management systems.”


Documentation & Support

Additional Resources

 GitHub repository

 ArcLight wiki

 ArcLight google group

ArcLight YouTube






Known Implementers


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