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Month/Time of yearActionOwner

June, July

New TAC members get appointed by AS Governance Board.

Send out welcome email to new TAC members and hold an orientation call (see Onboarding new TAC members).

Incoming TAC Chair

June, July, or August

Appoint new TAC Vice Chair.

Schedule monthly TAC meetings for new term (via Doodle poll).

Update TAC wiki space:

Update TAC Google Drive folder permissions:

  • remove outgoing TAC members from access
  • add incoming TAC members to have access.

Incoming TAC Chair

July or August

TAC Kick-off meeting:

  • Can be a joint TAC/UAC Council kick-off meeting
  • Review sub-teams and ad hoc working groups

Send out sub-team survey of interest (via GoogleForm). Might be joint survey with UAC.

TAC Chair


Submit TAC Quarterly Report.

TAC Chair


Assign sub-team members.

Assign sub-team leaders:

  • Follow-up and ask for volunteers if no one initially expresses interest

Form ad hoc working groups.

TAC Chair and Vice Chair


Submit TAC Quarterly Report Report. 

TAC Chair


Consider holding a joint TAC/UAC meeting.

TAC Chair, Vice Chair; UAC Chair, Vice Chair


Chair of ASpace Nominating Committee asks about number of new members needed for TAC for next fiscal year:

  • Email all TAC members who are eligible for renewal and ask if they would like to
  • Email all TAC members not eligible for renewal and let them know they will rotate off

TAC Chair


Mid-year check-in on sub-team work plans during monthly meeting:

  • Ask if scopes need to be adjusted.

Consider moving to bimonthly TAC meetings for remainder of fiscal year.


Submit TAC Quarterly Report.

TAC Chair

April/MayParticipate in ArchivesSpace Nominating Committee.TAC Chair


Submit TAC Quarterly Report.

Introduce retrospective in all TAC meeting and ask all sub-teams to complete.

Ask for Vice Chair volunteers/interest:

  • Follow-up with individuals if no one volunteers

TAC Chair, TAC Vice Chair


TAC Retrospective meeting:

  • Start doing, stop doing, keep doing
  • Ask for ad hoc working group recommendations for the upcoming fiscal year

Confirm and announce new Vice Chair.

Review TAC Administrative Info and Responsibilities and Expectations and make updates and edits as need to keep info current.

TAC Chair, TAC Vice Chair
