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  • Welcome to the new members of the User Advisory Council
    • Gordon Daines opened the meeting by taking roll, and asked members of the UAC to introduce themselves by stating their institutional affiliation and role on UAC.
    • Gordon Daines welcomed new members to UAC, and stated that the group is now 15 members strong, bringing the membership up to the full authorized number.
  • ArchivesSpace program update
    • Brad Westbrook and Angela Spinazze informed the UAC of the following:
      • ArchivesSpace membership is up to 250
      • The public user interface enhancement team is working on project is beginning phase 2 of this work. Sue Luftschein is a member of the working group that has just completed a personas exercise as well as some end-user testing of them.  More details are available here. The design firm is developing an initial set of wireframes, specifically targeting user interface and user interaction enhancements with a goal of making wire frames available for test in the coming week. At that time the . The member working group will be discussing the first set of wireframes next week as part of their bi-monthly call.  The PUI enhancement team will invite comments from the UAC and the broader community in the near future.
      • Gordon Daines inquired about Nathan Stevens' contract ending at the end of September 2015 and Brad Westbrook replied that the end date is a little up in the air.
      • Brad Westbrook noted that the ArchivesSpace developers are working on the following:
        • Archon migration tool
        • Yale container plug-in
        • Arbitrary component re-ordering bug
      • Brad Westbrook also notes that the bug related to rendering large multi-part objects appears to be fixed.
      • Brad Westbrook reported 2 recent workshop: 1 held at Stanford University at the beginning of August, which was presented by Lisa Calahan and Nancy Enneking and one at Harvard University in mid-September presented by by Christine Di Bella and Brad.  
      • Brad Westbrook also reported the following updates from the SAA annual meeting:
        • A successful vendor table
        • Met with members of the University of Michigan's Bentley Historical Library to discuss the ArchivesSpace-Archivematica-DSpace Workflow Integration project.
        • Met with Aeon users group to discuss Aeon-ArchivesSpace integration.
        • Attended an ArchivesSpace board meeting where the migration survey was discussed and a draft communication plan was presented.
        • Concluded SAA with the 1st ArchivesSpace Members Forum, which was successful and looks forward to subsequent fora.
      • Gordon Daines asked if the next release of ArchivesSpace was on target and Brad Westbrook replied that the development team will not release the next version until the component re-ordering bug is resolvedddressed.
    • Documentation
      • Linda Hocking welcomed 3 new members to the subteam.
      • Linda Hocking noted that the sub team is working on 2 additional glossary pages to crosswalk terms from AT and Archon to ASpace nomenclature.
      • Linda Hocking asked the UAC to share ideas for documentation, specifically use cases and Brad Westbrook suggest posting that question to the listserv with some examples of use cases.
    • Reports
      • Nancy Enneking welcomed 3 new members to the subteam.
      • Nancy Enneking reported that the group is developing criteria for new reports and suggested a need to improve tabular data outputs for existing reports.
      • Nancy Enneking noted discussion by the group about designing parameters for existing and new reports and how best to support a reports module.
    • Feature Prioritization
      • Julie Patton reported that the group has analyzed member voting results for feature prioritization and are working with the development team to rank them by difficulty of implementation.
    • Help Desk
      • Gordon Daines provided a brief history of the UAC teams and noted that the Help Desk report will dovetail into the forthcoming agenda item about re-organizing adding and removing subteams.
      • Gordon Daines stated that a majority of help desk questions require a great deal of technical expertise to answer, requiring the developers to step in and answer questions. He questioned the efficacy of a Help Desk subteam and suggest that the burden of answering questions fall collectively to members of the UAC and TAC.
      • Brad Westbrook stated that UAC members should answer questions posted to the listservs in order to cultivate community-driven help, in addition to providing support to users..
      • Brad Westbrook brought up the idea of a knowledge base to supplement or re-package the existing documentation, and another member suggested making the documentation site full text searchable.
      • It was also suggested that video be added to documentation, and that webinars be designed to teach users ArchivesSpace.
      • Gordon Daines concluded this discussion by suggesting the UAC sunset the Help Desk subgroup and reminded members to monitor the listservs.
      • Brad Westbrook said that he and Gordon Daines may prompt appropriate members to answer specific questions posted on the listservs.
  • Are there other subteams that are needed?
    • Gordon Daines suggested a video development subteam to organize video tutorials for ArchivesSpace.
    • Brad Westbrook clarified that videos of 3-5 minute screencasts are under way, specifically that guidelines for formats, length, and a few topics have been developed.
    • Linda Hocking suggested asking the community to add video content.
    • Gordon Daines asked UAC members to send Brad and Gordon an email stating interest in being involved with the video subteam.
    • Gordon Daines concluded the discussion by stating that the current subteam structure is not permanent, and another member suggested that a dedicated subteam for the user interface might be useful in the future.
  • Brad Westbrook asked if it was possible to establish a regular meeting time and Gordon Daines agreed to create a Doodle poll to try to establish such a time.
  • Gordon Daines welcomed all of the new members again.
  • The meeting was adjourned at 2:51 EDT.
