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5 mins

Roll Call/Icebreaker

Regina Carra

Icebreaker: Favorite summer beverage.

5 mins

UAC Updates

Regina Carra

  • UAC Vice Chair for next term will be Suzanne Reller

  • Membership changes for the upcoming term:

    • Rotating off

      • Joshua Shaw

      • Angela White

      • Liz Beckman

    • Joining

      • Mary Pedraza (Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco)

      • Alexis Peregoy (University of Arizona)

      • Eden Orelove (Smithsonian)

      • Chris Tanguay (MIT)

      • Keli Schmid (Denver Public Library)

  • Sub-team assignments

    • Mary – Member Engagement

    • Alexis – Testing

    • Eden – User Docs

    • Chris – Usability

    • Keli – Dev Pri

  • Each sub-team gets one new member next term. UAC teams contain 4-5 members; Cross-Council teams contain 6-7 members (3-4 UAC members each)

  • Expect a “finalized” roster of sub-teams to be sent to the UAC listserv and to be posted on wiki soon

  • Will send welcome email to each new Council member and CC their respective sub-team Lead

  • New member orientation planned for July, will include quick demos of Confluence and Jira which current Council members will be invited to attend

  • Revising Orientation page on wiki for clarity. Going to be rebranded as a Council Handbook-type resource

5 mins

Program Update

Christine Di Bella

10 mins

Sub-team Reports

Development Prioritization

Angela White

Daniel Michelson

Users Documentation

Johanna Carll

Margaret Kidd


Joshua Shaw


Althea Topek

Member Engagement

Bailey Hoffner

20 mins

Presentation and Discussion of 2021-2022 Retrospectives

Regina Carra

In your presentation, please include:

  • Accomplishments from this term.

  • Priorities for next term

  • Optional: Things to do differently next term

  • Leadership assignments for next term

Development Prioritization

Angela White

Daniel Michelson

Users Documentation

Johanna Carll

Margaret Kidd


Joshua Shaw


Althea Topek

Member Engagement

Bailey Hoffner

Regina Carra

5 mins

Final thoughts

Regina Carra

Thank you to everyone for their hard work this year!

👏 Claps for Dan and Randy for being our fearless Council leaders this term.

👏 Additional thanks to Josh, Angela, and Liz. We will miss you next term.

Next Meeting

Regina Carra

TBD (early August); will occur after orientation for new members in July-- after Orientation and before SAA)

Expect a Doodle poll in early/mid July to set up monthly meeting time.

Have a nice break!

Last call for comment
