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2021-2022 Workplan


titleExpand to see gathered feedback from Forum

On compliance versus interchangeability

  • Accounting for people who said both, roughly 10 votes for compliance/14 for interchangeability

  • 2 mentions of ISAD(G) and 1 mention of RAD

  • “You need compliance in order to exchange the data”

  • “I think it will ever be impossible to formally state AS is compliant to any standard, rather that its data model is informed by a variety of archival and library description and it 'supports compliance and interchange' with a variety of standards.”

  • Summary from Greg in the video: “Not all standards compliance encourages interoperability; might be the opposite”

On Elizabeth’s MARC topic

  • Beyond mappings, there are some concepts wholly missing (Main Entry in MARC does not have a clear equivalent in DACS [Kate argues choosing the creator for a collection name is a Main Entry]) which make mapping difficult

  • “59X would be one that may be problematic to leave out? We have a tricky catalog and end up using 59Xs a lot”

  • “I can see adding an additional job/config setting that allows you to list the excluded fields to import. So all real mappings would import and everything not in the excluded list would map to a note.” Conversation went on to agree with this, but switch it to an include list instead.

  • Piloted working meetings to help members get work done - it was acknowledged as a good idea but it didn’t work for everyone

  • Improved reactive strategies for tracking changes

    • Tested and implemented to be automatically notified of changes made to the import/exporter code

    • Tested and implemented a subscription to a Jira filter for the Metadata tag

  • Tiers of Support - Attempt at a more transparent process for how we do what we do


  • Proposed strategies for the EAD work as discussed in the last meeting of term:

    • Invite Brian (ASpace Dev) to present on the EAD importer. Key to this would be preparing a few concrete questions or asking for a demonstration of how he himself would fill out the spreadsheet. Early efforts to de-mystify the code would benefit the whole group.

    • Remember and embrace the fact that it took three years to complete the MARC importer (and there’s still some work to be done!) so take some pressure off: this work may not happen fast and it doesn’t need to. On that same note, embrace this by preparing for how this work could be spread out: would it be more like chunking the work (starting at the top and dividing into sections) or more like iterative processing, where there are multiples passes across the whole, each of which accomplishes something.

  • Revisit Tiers of Support as a principles document instead of a statement on scope

  • Spec for dropping MARC import support:

    • Pull all the non-core fields (2xx, 3xx, 754, 856) except the 5xx’s; for the 5xx’s, everything that is a core field gets mapped, but everything that is a 5xx just gets a mapping to a local note, like a 590. We know this a relatively big change, maybe put this in the roadmap, so that it doesn’t happen quietly. Elizabeth volunteers to write that spec, including the justification. You’ll get a list of what was imported.

  •  Spec for

    Jira Legacy
    serverSystem JIRA
    , folder for spec documents here:

    • Update since retrospective: Look like Princeton sponsored this

  • Bring up the retiring of MARC behaviors at the next joint UAC/TAC meeting, which will be in the fall. Elizabeth Roke nominated to handle that communication

  • If we get Kevin’s ticket,

    Jira Legacy
    serverSystem JIRA
    we should do an email announcement to the listserv and Google Group

  • NEW Task Force idea - Suggest an ad hoc taskforce to update the ASpace data model

  • NEW Pilot a Rotating group of ex officio’s from Metadata who sit in on Dev Pri meetings

    • This excellent idea came from the acknowledgement that there’s only so much we can ask of our fellows to alert us to changes, and sometimes they may simply not be aware that these changes will impact TAC-MD

    • The idea was raised that we begin a rotating roaster of Metadata reps who sit in on Dev Pri meetings to listen and know when a ticket should be tagged for us to review. This is a strategy to get us involved further upstream.

    • We settled on the idea that one person volunteers each term, and one additional person volunteers as a backup in case the volunteer cannot make a meeting. Kevin volunteers for next term, with Elizabeth as a backup

    • Next step is: reaching out to Dev Pri with this idea and getting the volunteer(s) invited to their meetings

  • RiC review

    • Essentially we know we absolutely must render a verdict on this, but we decline to do so on a draft. We have doubts about the stated aspirations (transmission standard, descriptive standard, one ring to rule them all). We want to be included in the decision of how ASpace reacts, and not just the recipients of said decision.


Recommendations for being included further upstream was one of our last kind of unsettled tasks for term, so it was discussed as part of the retrospective. This discussion lead to the idea of the ex officio’s attending Dev Pri meetings.

A reminder on some background context:


  •  Mention tagging Metadata at the final meeting of this term
  •  Mention tagging Metadata at the first meeting of next term
  •  Ex Officio idea! Seek orange text in the sections above for more details; that idea came out of this last-minute discussion
  •  Data model task force idea. Seek green text above. Mention this in an early TAC meeting to get the ball rolling.
