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Discussion topics




Introductions (Ice Breaker Question: Do you have a pet, and if so, what kind?)

Metadata standards (for descriptive and for encoding use cases) which should be supported as default ArchivesSpace solutions

Status of the Describing Archives, a Content Standard (DACS), and its support within ArchiveSpace

Maintaining published import and export crosswalks for metadata in ArchivesSpace

Documenting ArchivesSpace data mappings (for example, from MARC to EAD)

Scheduling Future Meetings

Action items



(Introductions were held)

Overview of the Sub-team

  • We are tasked to come up with a work plan and activities which can be reasonably executed over the next year

  • Hone We should hone in by the end on a rough work plan and begin scheduling

  • Moving ArchivesSpace to support the identified metadata standards

Reviewing the Sub-team Charge

  • 2019-2020 Metadata Standards sub-team

  • When drafting a charge for the new Sub-team

  • Might Note that we might need to prioritize different parts of the charge

    • We also might not get to every item of the charge

    • This charge can be edited throughout the year

  • Around ArchivesSpace, addressing metadata standards was seen as a real need

  • This charge seems to ensure that this need is going to be addressed

Metadata Standards

  • Migration is often heavily informed by ensuring that the imported metadata follows


  • standardized schema

    • How can we make explicit what ArchivesSpace commits to in terms of metadata standards?

    • How do we document this?

  • Daniel: A lot of this works came out of the structure of the EAD

    • There is a desire to ensure that EAC-CPF and MARC exports are fully supported from within ASpace

    • Tooltips for the system are based on DACS, but this is customizable

    • Resource record section is based on EAD and DACS

  • Internationalization

    • We should note that RAD or ISAD might be preferred by adopters outside of the United States

    • Hence, DACS might not be preferred for those outside of the US

  • OAI-PMH Implementation


    • Note that this supports Dublin Core

  • There are tiers of support for standards when it comes to adherence

    • For some standards, ASpace just exports data with the bare minimum level of compliance

    • This should be distinguished

    • Highest level of compliance and documentation should be there for MARC, but for cases such as Dublin Core, we might just offer the mapping

    • Daniel: EAD adherence is really the highest tier

    • Greg: Defining these tiers and standards can be a work plan item

    • Kevin: MARC is constantly considered at Columbia University, a robust MARC implementation within ASpace would be ideal

    • Greg: We should explore how DACS applies to ASpace, documenting how it is implemented would be valuable

  • Kevin: We should look towards documenting existing import and export mappings for at least EAD and MARC, and get these up to date

    • These are behind by more than one year

    • Bria: In the Migrations Sub-group, having a path for getting these mappings updated would have been valuable

    • Greg: Ensuring that communicating that a certain element must be updated in the mapping alone would be a great contribution

    • Kevin: This would likely be offered as instructions to community members in how to create


    • JIRA tickets for review

  • Christine:


  • Much of the ASpace documentation is being migrated to Confluence, hence it might be best to explore migrating this mapping documentation here as well

    • Kevin: To what extent could some of this process involve documentation generated from the code base?

    • Christine: This is difficult to determine, but when changes are made to the API, there can be documentation updates which are generated

    • Not certain as to whether or not this could be supported for export/import functionality

Data mapping is not a part of the technical documentation
