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- Mark Cooper

- Chris Ervin 

- Terry Reese

- Christine Di Bella


  • Program updates (Brad + Chris)
    • 11/3 Board meeting:
      staffing - Christine Di Bella is the program asst, (halftime) started Nov.3 
      - final stages of completing contract for 3rd developer, will start Jan 5 - Brian Hoffman
      - 190 members, 36 v large, 29 / 28 / 39/ 58
      ArchivesSpace board - 2nd meeting, 2-hour conference call
      - approved use of Contributor License agreements - now are on ArchivesSpace Github and website!! (yay!) will apply retrospectively to Yale contributions 
      - Approved use of a Conflict of Interest statement for employees, don’t believe it will be for any of the councils
    • Features Prioritization update
      • Development roadmap:
        - distilling, compiling, and embellishing user stories into a single representation that makes it easier to navigate across the stories
        - distributing to each member rep for organization, each org can weigh in
        - target date for distribution is Jan 5
        Terry: does this include suggested features/contributions? - Yale reports? How do these intersect with what AS is doing?
        Brad: create a development hub where these reports can be listed, stories will indicate provenance (of sorts) of each report - PT, etc.
    • Going forward with having an AS house for Code4Lib
    • PT vs JIRA: Migrating user stories from PT to JIRA
      - Will allow a more organized view of user stories
      - Allows community to vote on stories 
      - Confluence is used for wiki - the two are integrated
      - Esme- Fedora switched for those reasons, PT good for sprints, but not for community features, better for broader community perspective Terry - Jira - more widely used, people are more familiar with it
      Jira now supports Agile methods
    • Minor release on Fri. Dec 19. Starting testing this coming Monday. About 35 stories, probably more bugs than new features.
  • New subgroup formations
    • Migration subgroup
      • Migration group - also now cross council, have contributions to make to migration subgroup.
        Cory - interested in name authority migration 
        Also interested in ways of streaming the import process, providing better messages
    • Features Prioritization
      • Features Prioritization - onboarding in Jan. 
        Regular meetings will start afterwards
        Guided by community response 
        will be coordinating documentation sprints + bug sprints 
  • Subgroup updates
    • Architecture
    • Documentation
    • Committers
    • Migration
      • Migration -
        Regrouping now that have gone through lots of EAD testing
        Feb 1 - will do additional EAD testing, work through remaining issues, tackle invalid exports, round tripping
        Next sprint - tackle EAC-CPF, digital object work in parallel
        Subgroup could look at EAD3 support, in anticipation of the final specification
Next call: 
Esme - will talk about Fedora sprint process and organization with TAC during next call