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Find your local number:


Jessica Crouch

Brittany Newberry (Unlicensed)

Matt Hodge

Unable to attend:

Brenda Burk

Krista Oldham (Unlicensed)

Joshua Minor


  • Discussion topics





5 minutes

Registration update


15 minutes

Confirm Birds of a Feather sessions

-Conversation on who’s using the API and how
-Brittany can lead a discussion on ASpace for Reference
-Plug-ins or things that make your ASpace life easier?
-Migrations/data ingest workflows - may be stepping on the workshop’s toes but tips and tricks for getting data into ASpace
-Small Archives and Lone Arrangers
-New language feature - what is it?
Conversation Topics:

  • Using ArchivesSpace for Reference - Brittany will facilitate

  • Resources, plug-ins and tips to make your ArchivesSpace life easier - Jessica will facilitate

  • Getting started on ArchivesSpace migration - Need a volunteer to facilitate
    (a large number of attendees are in the planning stages of ArchivesSpace migration. This conversation will hopefully involve discussion of how repositories are getting started and tools they’ve identified to do this work. We hope a good conversation and connections will be made. It could also be a nice preface to the migration and clean up workshop.)

  • Potential fourth on the fly topic - Need a volunteer to facilitate
    (If a fourth theme arises in the Show Us Your Implementation session, we are open to a fourth unplanned conversation)

10 minutes

Show US Your Implementation Session Update


Identifying local listservs to post an announcement for.

Brittany - posted to Society of Georgia Archivists listserv

8 institutions have agreed to show off their implementations!

Others still have until the end of the day to volunteer. Jessica will send out an email on Wednesday with information about the session to everyone who has agreed to participate soliciting speaker names and bios and giving a date to have those and any powerpoint presentations submitted. She will then update the wiki with the order of presentations.

10 minutes

Happy Hour and when to arrive the morning of the 15th


Please feel free to attend the optional happy hour and have a great time!

Please arrive on November 15th by 8:00am (if possible) to welcome attendees and guide them to the program room.

Action items
