Southeastern Regional Forum 2019

Southeastern Regional Forum 2019


Site: Hollings Special Collections Library, University of South Carolina Libraries

Address: 1322 Greene Street, Columbia, SC 29208


Time: 9:00 am - 4:30 pm

Forum evaluations

Southeastern Regional Forum

ArchivesSpace will be holding its Southeastern Regional Forum on November 15, 2019, at the Hollings Special Collections Library at ArchivesSpace member institution, University of South Carolina Columbia.  This will be a free opportunity for staff from ArchivesSpace member institutions to meet and share information with each other about local users' interests and needs and to connect with the program team about all things ArchivesSpace.

If you have any questions or other suggestions, please feel free to email Jessica Crouch at jessica.crouch@lyrasis.org

Directions & maps

Parking Information
Closest available public parking is the Bull Street Garage. Visitor parking is available on Levels 4G and above at a cost of $1 per hour. 
Accessible parking available

Facility Map and Information

Directions: To access Hollings Special Collections Library, enter through the Thomas Cooper Library main entrance and and walk towards the back of the library.  You will see a glass walk bridge with signage indicating the Hollings Special Collections Library.  You will also see a Starbucks on your left.  Walk over the glass walk bridge and into the Hollings Special Collections Library.  ArchivesSpace representatives will be there to greet you and direct you to the program room! 


November 14

Pre-forum happy hour

Please join us for an optional happy hour on Thursday, November 14, the evening before the forum! A selection of appetizers (including vegetarian options) will be provided. You are welcome to purchase your own drinks or additional food. This social activity is open to everyone.

  • Location: Hunter-Gatherer Brewery and Alehouse 
  • Address: 900 Main St, Columbia, SC 29201
  • Time: 5:30 - 7:00 pm
  • Date: November 14

November 15

Morning program

Location: All morning activities will be in the Hollings Library Program Room



Registration and Refreshments


Welcome and Logistics / Jessica Crouch, ArchivesSpace Program Team

9:10am - 10:35am

Show Us Your Implementation Session

Presentation Slides

A selection of presentations from regional ArchivesSpace members introducing their particular implementation of ArchivesSpace, current implementation hurdles, lessons learned and goals for the future. 

Q&A Session to follow


University of South Carolina – Presenter: Taryn Cooksey


University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill – Presenter: Dawne Lucas


Tennessee State Library and Archives – Presenters: Patricia Mitchell, Will Thomas, Jennifer Randles


Georgia State University – Presenter: William Hardesty


Clemson University – Presenters: Krista Oldham and Brenda Burk


University of South Carolina Upstate – Presenter: Ann Merryman


Atlanta University Center – Presenter: Brittany Newberry


College of Charleston – Presenters: Georgette Mayo and Joshua Minor

10:40am - 11:30am

Birds of a Feather Discussion

Join us for small group discussions facilitated by members of the community.  Topics include: 

Introducing ArchivesSpace to reference staff and researchers 
Brittany Newberry, Atlanta University Center

Finding the right ArchivesSpace resource, plug-in or tool
Jessica Crouch, ArchivesSpace

Migrating to ArchivesSpace: Getting Started
Krista Oldham, Clemson University and Joshua Minor, College of Charleston



Lunch will be on your own.  A list of recommendations is provided here: Lunch Options - Southeastern Regional Forum

Afternoon Program


Workshop A: 

Title: ArchivesSpace Basics
Christine Di Bella, ArchivesSpace
Location: SCPC Seminar Room

Please note: There are 20 seats available for this workshop. You may guarantee your spot through registration.

In this workshop, Christine Di Bella will cover the basic elements of ArchivesSpace including getting started and demonstrating the most commonly used modules.  There will also be time to demonstrate audience requested functions.  

Workshop B: 

Title: Spin Cycle: Migrating, cleaning, and controlling your ArchivesSpace data
Instructor: Kelly Spring, East Carolina University (Greenville, NC)
Location: Program Room

Please note: There are 20 seats available for this workshop. You may guarantee your spot through registration.

From the Instructor: Whether you are preparing to load your data into ArchivesSpace, ready to add data detergent, or simply trying to keep the wrinkles out of your database, this workshop has got you covered! Beginning with pre-migration data assessment, the instructor will guide participants through various methods to survey data, clean data, and ensure data validation wherever possible. This workshop provides hands-on exercises within the ArchivesSpace environment as well as a few external resources, tips and tricks. It’ll be loads of fun!

Code of Conduct:

This forum adheres to Code4Lib’s CodeofConduct4Lib. We seek to provide a welcoming, fun, and safe community and conference experience for everyone. (The full text of the code of conduct is available at: http://bit.ly/coc4lib)

Working group members:

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