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Discussion topics





5 min

Ice Breaker Question: Favorite vacation spot

Kevin Schlottmann

10 min

Guest: Laney McGlohon (Unlicensed)

“Testing importing/exporting test records and comparing the outcomes to the import/export Excel spreadsheet on the website.  We also talked about coming at it from the other direction, by looking at the code and potentially adding comments to the code explaining the data mapping behavior, which would serve the dual purpose of explaining to a non-developer what is happening, and also serving as a prompt to have devs let the MD subgroup know when a change is made.”

2 min

Update on process for Metadata Standards generated tickets

Daniel Michelson

Dev/Pri does not need to be involved in approving bug fix tickets created by the Metadata Standards subteam.

15 min

Standing item: review metadata tickets

Kevin Schlottmann

Link to board

Specific tickets =flagged for us by Christine Di Bella

I (Kevin) think the last comment in the ticket is correct (Nancy Kennedy’s); let’s review and comment if we agree.

5 min

Language of Description EAD Export issue update

Kevin Schlottmann

Cory Nimer confirmed this was likely an oversight. See below for a proposed response.

10 min

Priority fields

Kevin Schlottmann

Set of priority fields for both MARC and EAD. See below for proposed references (are the better / more recent sources for EAD?) and MARC fields.

5 min

Anything else?


(Ice Breaker Responses)

Update from Laney

  • Laney is going to be leaving the ArchivesSpace community for another opportunity, and hence, they were not available to attend this meeting.

  • When their (former) role is filled, the Sub-Team shall look to try and invite the new person to discuss this topic

Dev/Pri Updates

  • (Updates from Daniel)

  • Did Dev/Pri need to be included in discussions for tickets designated as bugfixes from the Metadata Standards Sub-Team?

  • This was determined not to be necessary

  • Christine, Kevin, or James will request permission to update the individual tickets in order to label these as bug fixes

  • Awaiting prioritization to ready for implementation is the normal workflow

  • We have the authority to circumvent this and just register these as bugfixes and see these advanced

  • James will be responsible for advancing tickets as JIRA bugfixes

Metadata Tickets

Proposed answer for ANW-969:


<langusage>Description is written in:
<language langcode="eng">English</language> <script scriptcode="Latn">



  • Looked at the ticket, and in terms of inheritance, all found Nancy’s comment was correct

    • If the “publish” attribute is false, the @audience should be “internal”


  • We do was <langusage> tags in support of the EAD2002 specification

  • It was not likely the intention to exclude the tag in this case (hence, this is a bug)

  • What was the previous behavior? It likely used to generate the <langusage> tag (or a free-text note, within ArchivesSpace) prior to the 2.7 release

    • The language was always free-text in previous releases

  • We will look to post a comment clarifying this on the issue

Priority Fields

EAD Tag usage study:


eadheader and all children; all tags above 10% in tables 10, 11, and 12 (archdesc/did); all tags above 50% in tables 17 and 19 (archdesc/dsc).


  • Kevin and Greg worked to identify priority fields for evaluation in the work to improve the documentation being maintained by the ArchivesSpace community

  • Two subsets of MARC and EAD tags

    • Using these for reference, we should ensure that these tags are included in some example records (used for testing ArchivesSpace imports)

    • Does this look like a reasonable set of tags for the Sub-Team to focus on for the next three months?

      • (No objection from attendees)

  • We should all try and take one of these cases and try to follow the process outlined in Import/export mapping review process

  • Question of EAD

    • EAD data model is much more aligned with the ArchivesSpace data model

    • In MARC, there is quite a bit of information which is not core to the ArchivesSpace data model

      • This should be more trivial, particularly if we select core tags

Somebody from ICA EGAD giving a presentation on RiC (Daniel)

  • Sub-Team could organize a standalone presentation and invite members from the committee

  • Daniel Pitti is working with a colleague to find someone to present this to the Sub-Team

  • We need to discuss this with Jessica Crouch and organize this as a community

Meeting adjourned at 15:35 EST