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Thanks to


all who attended, participated in or followed from afar our very first Member



Evaluation and opportunity to provide thoughts on future meetings (whether you attended this year's or not):

Links to presentations and discussion notes are provided below, as are audio files for the segments of the first half of the program that were recorded.

When?   August 22, 2015

Where? Cleveland Public Library

This will be an opportunity for Members to share and learn from each other, the Governance Board, and the program staff on a range of topics. Thanks to our hosts at the Cleveland Public Library for their generosity in providing us with meeting space in the main library.


Program Committee

Thanks to everyone who volunteered to develop the program. 


Logistical support: Kenna Juliani, LYRASIS




The Library is only a few blocks from the Cleveland Convention Center and the conference hotels for SAA. Most of our events will be in the Louis Stokes Wing of the Main Library. The address for that building is 525 Superior Avenue. Directions from the Convention Center are available at If you will have a car with you, parking is available in several garages and lots nearby.




45 p.m. _______________

Welcome remarks and ArchivesSpace Governance Board/Program Staff update (LSW, Auditorium - Lower Level)


Carol Mandel, New York University audio
Robert Miller, LYRASIS audio
Brad Westbrook, ArchivesSpace audio
Angela Spinazzè, LYRASIS audio
Q&A audio



15 p.m.

Plenary session on writing an ArchivesSpace implementation plan (LSW, Auditorium - Lower Level) audio

Description: Implementing ArchivesSpace as your archives management system requires more than hitting the "migrate" button. This session will provide a comprehensive framework for institutions of all types and sizes to write their own ArchivesSpace implementation plans, no matter the resources available to them. This highly-interactive session includes guidance from metadata specialists, IT professionals, systems archivists and processing archivists, and will address the technological, political, training, and resource allocation needs that should be addressed before adopting ArchivesSpace. Those who have already implemented ArchivesSpace in their own institutions will be encouraged to share their insights and lessons learned as well.


Mark Custer, Yale University presentation
John Herbert, LYRASIS presentation
Patrick Galligan, Rockefeller Archive Center


presentation (download and unzip file) presentation notes
Melissa Wisner, Yale University presentation

3:15-3:30 p.m.Break


30-4:30 p.m.

Parallel breakout sessions.

  • Integrations with other systems, including Islandora, Archivematica, Aeon, Hydra, and/or ArcLight - led by Ben Goldman, Pennsylvania State University (LSW, Auditorium - Lower Level) discussion notes

  • Using the ArchivesSpace API - led by Brian Hoffman, ArchivesSpace (LSW, Room 218)

  • Implementing ArchivesSpace in a one- or two-person shop (or other small institution) - led by Lynda Kachurek, University of Richmond (LSW, 4th Floor, SW)

  • Developing training and documentation for ArchivesSpace for different types of staff - led by Miloche Kottman, University of Kansas (Main Library, 2nd Floor, NW) presentation; presentation notes

  • Using ArchivesSpace in reference/public services - led by Angela Spinazzè, LYRASIS (attendees are encouraged to bring laptops, tablets, and other devices) (LSW, 3rd Floor, NW). (We reviewed and discussed the public user interface special project.)

  • Migrating from other systems, including but not limited to Archivists' Toolkit and Archon


  • - led by Chris Fitzpatrick, ArchivesSpace (attendees are encouraged to BYOD - Bring Your Own Data - as well as laptops, tablets, and other devices) (LSW, 3rd Floor, SW) Attendee Notes

  • Developing an assessment plugin - led by Martha Conway, University of Michigan (LSW, 4th Floor, SE) discussion notes

  • Working with reports in ArchivesSpace - led by Nancy Enneking, Getty Research Institute and Nathan Stevens, ArchivesSpace (LSW, 3rd Floor, SE) presentation, Attendee Notes


4:30-5:00 p.m.Reconvene as a group for reporting out from breakouts and final remarks (LSW, Auditorium - Lower Level)
5:00-5:45 p.m.Casual reception (LSW, Room 218)

Staying Connected

The library has free wi-fi and you’re welcome to bring any devices you’d like to connect. We encourage people to tweet any portion of the meeting - or to tweet questions for the meeting sessions - using our suggested hashtag: #aspacemembers15 - twitter feed: * Send us your ideas or comment here on the wiki! Contact Christine for an account

Continuing Your Conversations After the Meeting Ends

While the meeting concludes at 5:45 and the Library closes at 6:00 p.m., there are plenty of nearby options to continue your ArchivesSpace conversations later in the evening. We've compiled a list of nearby restaurants and bars that may be good for small or larger groups.


Online registration is closed on August 1, 2015. You can still visit the registration page or modify your existing registration via Eventbrite at This free event is open to all staff of ArchivesSpace member institutions.


Call for Facilitators and Speakers

The Program Committee is seeking suggestions and volunteers to facilitate and speak at the breakout sessions during the second half of the program. Like the ArchivesSpace community itself, these sessions are going to be very participant-driven and your participation is crucial.

Here’s what we’re looking for:

Facilitators: Breakout session facilitators will lead discussions, help keep discussions on track and make sure every session attendee who wants to be heard is. When there are speakers for the session, the facilitator will touch base with them ahead of time about their presentations and ensure that they speak within their allotted amount of time on the day. A Program Committee member or ArchivesSpace team member will take care of the logistics for the session (room, AV, etc.); the facilitator will be in charge of shaping the content and experience for the participants.

Speakers: Have you been working on something related to one of the proposed topics that you’d love to share with your colleagues? Are you working on something on a topic not already proposed that you’d like to share? Speakers will give short, informal presentations of planned work or work in progress and also set the table for wider discussions. For most of the topics, we envision these being lightning-type talks (i.e. 5-7 minutes), but presentations could be longer depending on what’s needed to explain your work and how many other speakers volunteer for a particular session.

Please send your ideas or volunteer yourself by emailing Christine, or get a discussion going on the Users Group listserv or the wiki. Please indicate the topic and what you (or the person you’re volunteering) can offer towards it. We’ll aim to notify everyone by mid-July so that all facilitators and speakers will have plenty of time to prepare before the meeting.

Questions, Comments, Ideas?

Please contact Christine at if you have any questions or would like to make a suggestion. You can also contact Christine to get a wiki account if you'd like to start a discussion on this page.