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  • Joanne Archer

  • Elizabeth Beckman

  • Kate Blalack

  • Regina Carra

  • Johanna Carll

  • Lori Dedeyan

  • Christine Di Bella

  • Bailey Hoffner

  • Margaret Turman Kidd

  • Ashley Knox - regrets

  • Dan Michelson

  • Matthew Neely

  • Brittany Newberry

  • Cory Nimer - regrets

  • Krista Oldham

  • Joshua Shaw

  • Kat Stefko

  • Althea Topek

  • Angela White

  • Trevor Thornton - TAC


  • Update members on UAC activities including activities of sub-teams

  • Notetaker: Joshua Shaw

  • Discussion lead: Usability





5 mins

Roll Call

Brittany Newberry (Unlicensed)

  • No meeting in February.

UAC Updates

Brittany Newberry (Unlicensed)

  • Save the date: Councils Leadership Meeting Wednesday, February 10, 11 am - 12:30 pm EST

  • Next meeting will be joint w/ TAC probably in March, be on the lookout for a Doodle poll

5 mins

Program Update

Christine Di Bella

  • Version 3 development still ongoing.

  • Specific focus on Agents module with projected release candidate in early February.

  • Next online forum is now up with call for sessions and presenters.

  • ArchivesSpace Diversity Partnership announced. A new program to support underrepresented institutions and collections. See announcement and emails for more info.

10 mins

Sub-team Reports

Development Prioritization

Daniel Michelson

  • Reviewed 13 tickets (7 passed, 1 passed for community developer, 3 changed to awaiting more information, 1 referred to Metadata Standards subteam, 1 closed)

Users Documentation

Johanna Carll

Krista Oldham (Unlicensed)

  • Completed revising the User Manual for v3.0 updates

  • Reviewed notes and feedback last month’s meeting when we were the discussion lead

  • Identified action items from the discussion that we will incorporate into our work in the coming months


Joshua Shaw

  • No testing since v3.0 agents testing in December.

  • Anticipate additional testing for v.3.0 shortly.


Lori Dedeyan

Althea Topek

  • Closed out three tickets

  • Created workflow for soliciting community feedback and prioritized three tickets

Member Engagement

Brittany Newberry (Unlicensed)

Regina Carra

  • Finalizing Member Match Program sign-up forms and administrative documents for February. To launch and begin formal outreach in March, particularly to attendees of the Online Forum and participants of the ArchivesSpace Diversity Partnership Program.

  • Tentative Member Match webinar --March 10

  • Code of Conduct is live!

  • Next meeting - February 19

30 mins


Usability sub-team:

Lori Dedeyan

Althea Topek

  • Discussion prompt:

  • Reprise concerns about JIRA - complexity and discomfort. Can we add more documentation for users in JIRA - a how to.

  • Fairly poor adoption for non-tech users.

  • Aspirations to use, but hurdles to actually using the system. Would appreciate a more streamlined approach to raising issues - ie not JIRA.

  • Only uses JIRA because member of AS teams. Is conduit for other members of her insititution. Anonymous way of submitting would be good.

  • Hard to search JIRA and figure out which ticket is the one you want to review or comment on.

  • User stories as titles is confusing to browse.

  • Searching is an issue. Was surprised by vote mechanism.

  • Context: JIRA is useful since it minimizes the number of input streams for development. A central place that developers can look. Less technical than GitHub, so compromise solution. Less than perfect. Other systems may work better.

  • Translation between users and developers is an issue. Would be good to have some minimal training available for JIRA users.

  • Users prefer commenting on the list rather than on JIRA directly. Some harvesting of the list discussion does happen → comments in JIRA.

  • Harvard has local JIRA as well, so some issues only become local tickets.

  • Do people actively gather comments/feedback for issues in JIRA?

  • Dev Pri has not solicited feedback specifically, but gets about 30% comments from OP.

  • Not a lot of response for feedback requests typically.

  • Dev Pri will try soliciting feedback for a specific issues as a test case.

  • Really Dev Pri, Usability and TAC teams are main teams that would benefit from feedback.

  • Is there a better way to solicit feedback and not replicate efforts?

  • JIRA is handy since it centralizes and is a permanent record of an issue.

  • TAC and UAC need to work together to figure out how to solicit feedback.

  • Seems like video or other documentation would be beneficial.

  • Would including in the User Manual or a webinar be useful. Yes! Might be able to use some older documentation and bring it up to date.

  • Trainng and keeping up to date with JIRA is a moving target, so would need to be an ongoing effort.

  • Maybe an open discussion format instead of a presentation style webinar.

  • Responsibility? Usability and User Doc teams joint effort? Or full council effort?

  • Wiki has space (main section) that might be used for this. Would need maintenance plan.

  • Discussion to continue.

  • General Q? Other suggestions for gathering feedback outside of JIRA?

  • Crickets → JIRA continue use.

  • Would be nice to have some sort of simple upfront way to gather needs/wants from users. A lower barrier than submitting a ticket - maybe just a summary and description - something simple that can be harvested by Dev Pri.

  • Way to get community vote on priority and how to proceed for tickets? Especially for Usability.

  • Would result in more tickets, so might result in less feedback on tickets in general because more tickets in general.

  • No consensus for now.

10 mins

Discussion on Monthly Meetings

  • Should we continue to meet monthly for the rest of the term? Yes. Brittany will send followup email to make sure.

  • Thoughts on continuing sub-team led discussions? Continue with current format.

Next Meeting

Will be a joint meeting with TAC

, most likely in March

. March, 2021. Exact date TBD.