Versions Compared


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  • Rebecca Baugnon

  • Elizabeth Beckman

  • Johanna Carll (regrets)

  • Kellen Carpenter

  • Regina Carra (Vice-Chair)

  • Christine Di Bella (ex-officio)

  • Bailey Hoffner

  • Margaret Turman Kidd

  • Randy Kuehn (ex-officio)

  • Dan Michelson (Chair)

  • Patrick Milhoan

  • Matthew Neely

  • Cory Nimer

  • Sarah Ponichtera

  • Suzanne Reller

  • Joshua Shaw

  • Althea Topek

  • Angela White






5 mins

Roll Call/Icebreaker

Daniel Michelson

5 mins

UAC Updates

Daniel Michelson

  • Focus has been on preparing for transition to new term

5 mins

Program Update

Christine Di Bella

10 mins

Sub-team Reports

Development Prioritization

Angela White

Users Documentation

Johanna Carll

  • Continued working on reviewing and updating Digital Object pages

  • Began working on goals for the coming year


Joshua Shaw

  • No new work in May

  • Looking for a new vice-lead when Rachel takes over as lead in July.


Althea Topek

  • Started planning for digital objects survey

  • Reviewed 2 tickets from usability “swim lane”

Member Engagement

Regina Carra

  • Received 28 applications for the new Member Match cohort. Completed matches for next term. Use of three-person groups made this process much more efficient compared to last year.

  • Closing out current Member Match year with a coffee chat on June 2 and final survey

  • Comment from Jessica Crouch: “Making the Case for ArchivesSpace” flyer is much needed now that conferences are in-person. Thanks to Council for feedback. Subteam will continue to work on this project next term.

30 mins

Discussion: UAC Retrospective

Daniel Michelson

  • General questions

    • What was particularly successful this year?

      • Orientation was helpful

      • New documentation for the user docs team

      • Great experience working on the Member side with the Member Engagement subteam

      • Testing subteam – training was very helpful and was new this year

    • What didn't work out?

      • The announcement of new subteam members could have been communication more clearly.  Perhaps a separate email announcing new subteam members would have been more effective.

    • What ideas for improvement do you have?

      • Change “New Business” agenda item at the end of the meeting, since we never seem to have any “New Business”??

  • Some specific areas to consider

    • Experience of first year members (assignment to subteams, orientation, etc.)

      • Orientation and subteam training were helpful

    • Monthly meetings (format, topics, etc.)

      • How much of subteam reporting is necessary?  Would every other month be a better schedule for subteam reports?  Otherwise the subteam reports have been very useful.

      • Suggestion:  Every other month for UAC meetings.  In the open months, members could attend a different subteam meeting to learn about that subteam.  Having UAC meetings every other month opens up some additional time.  UAC members could have a goal to go to 2-3 other subteam meetings during the year.

      • Liked the individual reports to hear what other subteams are doing, It is always challenging scheduling meetings.  More reports could be distributed via email

    • Leadership training webinars (did you watch them? were they helpful?)

      • No one had watched all the webinars.  Some members stated that they did not watch any, and a few stated that they had watched at least one. 

      • Capacity challenges were mentioned.  A lot of people are still dealing with staffing challenges and other Covid-related issues and simply did not have the time to dedicate to watching the videos.

      • A suggestion was made to watch a webinar live during one meeting so that we have dedicated time for a webinar. Others concurred with this idea.

      • Another suggestion was that the UAC could watch some short videos and discuss them during a meeting.  Another person suggested that the leadership webinar videos should still be made available to those who do have the capacity to do that on their own.

    • Experience of subteam leads/vice-leads (new leadership model, etc.)

      • This model was successful since it allowed one person to take the lead and still have someone else available to pick up any slack.

      • Being Vice-lead provided the opportunity to learn and then to prepare to do more in the long term

      • Discussions between lead and vice-lead gave subteams more the opportunities to stay organized and set priorities

    • Experience assigning subteams immediately versus sending and survey and assigning subteams after orientation

      • Suggestion to continue this.  It allows members to get started on their subteam work right away. 

      • Suggestion that people sit in on another subteam’s meeting to learn more about the different subteams

      • Aside from testing all other subteams have a regular meeting time.  UAC members can email the subteam lead and ask to join a subteam meeting. One thing we have been struggling with is that it is beneficial if people are on two subteams, but they are only assigned to one subteam.

      • It may be difficult for people to fit this into their calendars, so is there a way to incentivize this? (See above, changes to meeting frequency.)

5 mins

New Business

Daniel Michelson

Next Meeting

Daniel Michelson

Final meeting of term is June 28 and will be led by Regina. Topic will be subteam retrospectives.
