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We'll be discussing our 2018-2019 term. Also a couple other things:

  • Announcements
    • Max: Goodbyes to Terry, Bobbi, Max and Patrick!
    • Maggie: New rotation for Chair and Vice Chair
      • New changes 1 year Vice Chair, 1 Year Chair
    • Maggie: Need someone to volunteer for Vice Chair
    • Maggie: "Ready for Community Developer" status on Kanban boards
      • Came out of Dev. Pri. sub-team meetings
      • Currently new tickets are passed, closed, or put into waiting for more information. When passed, placed in waiting for developer.
      • Easy or lower tickets could be placed in Ready for Community Developer. This helps facilitate the community collaboration.
      • There will be outreach to promote more community development
  • Discussion
    • Maggie: ArchivesSpace User Forum brainstorming
      • Proposal form due date is June 14 
      • Alicia - Putting together a list of developers in the community
      • Dev. Pri. discussed putting together lightning talk regarding Community Developer and what that is
  • Report outs on sub-team retrospectives
  • Discussion:
    • TAC retrospective
      • Integrations sub-team 2018-2019 Retrospective
      • Migrations sub-team
        • Bria - Worked on import export mappings, had a light work plan as previous group did a lot of work, wanted to look at the awesome list, and see what migration resource list could be added
        • Did Well
          • Continue to participate on listserv
        • Could Improve
          • Better job of communicating with the sub-team
        • Comments
          • Dave - Failure wasn't on Bria's part, Migrations don't have much more to be done as was when migration was new
          • Christine - There's two things, One, we are always wondering, have some sub-teams outlived their usefulness, should we rethink them. Two, data maps are one of the most common things out of date and asked about and should they be a specific project that the Migration group could coordinate should they continue.
          • Bria - Good point, hard to say what has been changed within data maps
      • Technical Documentation sub-team 2018-2019 Retrospective


Start doingStop doingKeep doing
  • Standards committee or sub-team. Might be at a higher level than TAC.
  • Identify ways to foster engagement in smaller working groups to help.
  • Working groups? Maybe not stop, but needs fine tuning. Perhaps people are stretched thin in sub-teams and working groups and there should be limits. Sometimes institutions with a need doesn't have the resources, technical expertise, to do the work, we may need to coordinate with institutions with the expertise.
  • Perhaps reevaluate sub-teams like Migrations and Integrations, Integrations sub-team might not need to meet monthly and Migrations might not necessarily be needed since migration paths exist.
  • Cross-council meetings was super interesting
  • Conversation about how to encourage the community of coders as a group. Identifying issues was helpful in what we are doing (in sub-teams)
  • Having a Vice Chair. Helps with transition

Action items
