Issue Type glossary
Type | Definition |
Bug | a problem that impedes or prevents the application from working as intended, Some bugs are characterized as "blockers" as they prevent the application from being used at all. |
Chore | an activity that is necessary but nay not provide any direct, obvious value to the end user of the application |
New Feature | a request to add functionality beyond what is already provided by the application |
Sub-task | a component part of a larger issue, regardless of type |
Priority glossary (in descending order)
Term | Applies to | Definition |
Blocker | Bugs | a bug that prevents use of the application or crashes the application |
Critical | Bugs, chores, feature requests | indicates feature requests that are highly popular, chores that must be done sooner than later, and bugs that impede but do not halt use of the application |
Major | Bugs, chores, feature requests | indicates a significant bug that may impede use of application or annoy users, new features that are fairly popular, chores that should be completed |
Minor | Bugs, chores, feature requests | bugs that do not greatly affect operation and do not result in data loss or corruption, for feature requests that are least popular |
Trivial | Bugs, chores, feature requests | bugs such as orthographic errors in UI, new features that appear to have no support |
Labels glossary
Label | Definition |
accessibility | ensuring that the application meets the needs of users with disabilities |
accessions | activities related to taking legal and physical custody of records and collections |
agents | persons, families, or corporate bodies that have a specified relationship (such as source, creator, topic, rights owner) to archival material or to an event |
application_administration | activities related to system administration |
application_management | activities related to system management |
application_performance | measures related to system performance |
authentication | process for identifying an individual to provide access to the application |
browsing | opposite of searching |
chores | an activity that is necessary but provides no direct, obvious value to the end user of the application |
classifications | grouping terms that define a repository’s overall arrangement scheme |
collection_management | activities related to managing archival materials within a repository |
containers | package or housing for holding archival materials |
controlled_value_lists | controlled vocabulary for use with different fields in ArchivesSpace |
customization | the ability to change the layout, appearance, and behavior of the application according to an individual or repository’s preferences |
dates | temporal data |
deaccessions | materials removed from a repository’s holdings |
digital_objects | archival materials in digital format; can be born-digital or digitized materials |
documentation | text that explains how to use ArchivesSpace or describes how it was coded |
dublin_core | metadata standard used to describe materials for the web |
events | specific actions that one or more agents undertook in relation to one or more archival objects at a specific date and time |
export | getting data out of ArchivesSpace, often for use in other systems |
extent | physical quantity |
external_documents | files related to archival materials that are external to ArchivesSpace, such as inventories provided by donors |
import | getting aggregate data into ArchivesSpace, often from other systems |
indexer | part of program that indexes metadata |
instances | physical or digital instantiations of archival material |
integrations | intersection of ArchivesSpace with other applications, such as Archivematica or BitCurator |
linking | joining different components within the application |
locations | shelving locations – shelves, drawers, file cases, bins, walls, etc. – where archival materials are stored |
marcxml | version of MARC for use in XML-based systems |
metadata_standards_subteam | tickets for reviews by the Metadata Standards of the Technical Advisory Council |
mets | Metadata Encoding and Transmission Standard; structural metadata for use in XML-based systems |
migration | moving data from one system to another (for example, from Archivists’ Toolkit or Archon to ArchivesSpace) |
mods | Metadata Object Description Schema; designed to express bibliographic data in XML-based systems |
patron_services | features that enable end users to request data from within the application |
plugins | software components that add functionality without modifying the core code of the application |
public_interface | the interface through which members of the public access information about a repository’s holdings |
rde | stands for rapid data entry, a time-saving device for inputting data |
reports | provide summary information about different characteristics of a repository’s holdings |
repository | a physical or intellectual entity with archival holdings |
resources | collections; can range from a single item to aggregations of any size and complexity |
rest_endpoint | A URI and HTTP method that maps to a API action |
rights_management | functionality needed to manage restrictions or permissions information |
search | querying the contents of the database for specific terms |
security | degree of resistance to, or protection from, harm |
sorting | order in which fielded information displays |
spreadsheet_importer | bulk importing into resources via Excel and CSV spreadsheets |
staff_interface | the user interface through which repository staff input and access information about a repository’s holdings |
subjects | the principal theme or topical contents of an item or group of materials as well as format characteristics |
system_administration | features and bugs pertaining to running and configuration of the application |
testing/build | the process of testing, compiling, and packaging the source code. |
tests | suite of code written to exercise the source code |
time_saving_device | features that increase efficiency and productivity in use of the application |
usability | ease of use of the application |
usability_subteam | tickets for reviews by the Usability of the User Advisory Council |
user_defined_fields | fields within the application that can be customized by the repository |
user_preferences | the ability to change the layout, appearance, and behavior of the application according to an individual’s preferences |
* denotes an epic, which is an overarching functional area for development