Versions Compared


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5 min

Hello, roll call, etc.

Trevor Thornton

Randy Kuehn

2 min

Recent Contributions

Randy Kuehn

5 mins

Program update

Christine Di Bella

15 mins

Sub-team and Working Group updates





Dallas Pillen



Rachel Searcy


Development Prioritization

Randy Kuehn

Dev Pri met on April 6, 2021 and discussed 17 tickets.
Stats (Run 2021/04/13):
Feature Requests:
Awaiting prioritization: 56
Awaiting More Info: 62
Ready for Implementation: 109
Bug Reports:
Awaiting prioritization: 15
Awaiting More info: 8
Ready for Implementation: 55

Created vs. Resolved Issues Report
Represents the past 30 days (Run 2021/04/13)
Created: 40
Resolved: 23


Metadata Standards

Elizabeth Roke


Tech Docs

Trevor Thornton


API Documentation

Trevor Thornton

2 10 mins

Updates & announcements

Randy Kuehn

Trevor Thornton

  • Last TAC meeting this term will be in June (Watch for the Doodle)

  • 🚨 We need TAC nominations for next year!

  • Changes regarding 3-year terms

  • Changes regarding sub-team leadership

  • It's retrospective time!

    • Three sections:

      • Accomplishments from this term

      • Priorities for next term

      • Leadership assignments for next term

    • Sub-teams will present retrospectives at the June TAC meeting

20 15 mins

Questions or concerns regarding term or leadership changes?

Randy Kuehn

Trevor Thornton

5 mins

Open mic



2 mins.

Closing notes

Randy Kuehn

