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15 minProgram Updates

Brad W.

Sally V.

Gordon D

ArchivesSpace Program:


  •  Started the first Sprint of 2016 last Monday evening.  The sprint includes 9 stories related to the new container management functionality and 5 stories related to the PUIE project.  
  • Testing for stories outstanding from the end of 2015 is underway, as well as few additional stories delivered at the very beginning of 2016. 



  • Workshops at Tulane University (20 participants), UNC-Wilmington (10 participants), and Case Western Reserve (ca. 10 participants).  Three workshops scheduled in Feb:  HU Countway Library of Medicine, Guggenheim Archives, and UC Santa Cruz.  
  • Christine Di Bella is working on contract with Keystone Library Network to provide an 8-part webinar series for clients of KLN, who are also ArchivesSpace members.  All of the ArchivesSpace trainers will participate in this series, and the series will be constructed in a manner that will allow its re-use.



  •  At CurateGear on Jan. 14 of PUIE designs and early work by Brian Hoffman and Brad W.


Sharing resources:

  • A discussion is scheduled for Wed, 2/10, in which Laurie Arp, John Herbert, and Brad W. will discuss increasing LYRASIS staff involvement in ArchivesSpace activities, namely in providing support to members during installation and migration processes. 



Scheduled to meet on 2/15, except it is now a holiday. Might need to be re-scheduled.

Migration subteam is very active, responding to requests for support, testing EAD support, etc.

Integration subteam polled membership about integrations. Will be discussing results.

Technical documentation subteam is still working on a knowledge base; might consider using stack overflow.

Need to check in with Bug Wrangler and Committer Oversight subteams.



Last meeting in mid-January.

Features prioritization team had completed sprints 18 and 19

Documentation team has produced four screencasts. Stragegizing to include broader swath of community in documentation.

Reports subteam indicated reports were working better but some problems are persisting. Consider different strategies for reports.

Discussion of splitting prioritization and testing functions into separate subteams, which has occurred.


15 minImplementing Development Process for 2016: Status Update

Brad W.

Gordon D.

Sally V.

Prioritiziation and testing teams established, led by Julie Patton and Miloche Kottman are leaders respectively.

Agile boards have been implemented, and are fostering better understanding of the process

Wiki has been updated to reflect new development processes for 2016.

First sprint planning meeting took place Feb. 1.


Outstanding issues:

  • Rotation of release management duties.
  • What is best mechanism for support requests.
  • Reviewing prioritization criteria.



 15 min

Proposal for Product Management team: Status Update

  • Purpose / benefits
  • Scope of work
  • Meetings
  • Reporting
  • Membership
  • Liaisons from other groups
All present


to be posted.

is posted.

Sally will share draft with attendees at ASpace developers meeting in Nov., informing them of the Coordinating Team's position and asking for there input.


Additional Items?:

Governance Board meeting on 3/11 in Chicago

  Brad asked Sally and Gordon for council reports by 3/1 for the 3/11 Board meeting. The reports will be presented at that meeting by Jay and Lynda.

Action items
