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5 min

Determining date for Forum

  • March 18 will be the day of the Forum.

10 min

Reviewing proposed agenda and session proposal form

  • We approved the draft agenda, with one change, moving the start time time back one hour (starting at 8 am Honolulu, 1:00 p.m. New York, etc.).

  • Send comments on the session proposal to Christine by Friday, January 11. We will announce to the community, send out the form on Monday, January 14.

20 min

Filling in forum agenda with session ideas from last call

  • We think this should be three unique blocks of programming, though there may be a small amount of content that is repeatable.

  • We discussed three session ideas to definitely include.

    • some version of an IT session, possibly a moderated Q&A with sys admin and archivist represented. There are lots of different directions this could take, so it would be good to talk with IT folks about interest and to help narrow down a focus. (Patrick/Jessica)

    • implementing the PUI/connecting with presentation of digital objects [maybe best for Block B] (Mariella/Venkat)

    • Navigating Your Implementation (Maddie)

  • We may want to organize the program into tracks to make it easier for people to identify content of particular interest/relevance to them.

  • The first block should include a small amount of reporting from the ArchivesSpace team, but the content will be mostly user-focused/led.

  • Christine will put together something to make it easier to discuss/vote on other topics in the interim before our next call.

10 min

Identifying volunteers for different parts of the agenda

[This melded into the previous agenda item.]

10 min

Anything else?

Action items



  •  Send comments on the session proposal to Christine by Friday, January 11. (All)
  •  Announce forum date to the community, send out the form on Monday, January 14. (Christine)
  •  Work on refining IT session idea (Patrick/Jessica)
  •  Put together something to make it easier to discuss/vote on other topics in the interim before our next call. (Christine)