ArchivesSpace Online Forum 2019

ArchivesSpace Online Forum 2019


Thanks to all who joined us! Please fill out an evaluation to let us know what you liked, what we could have done better, and what you’d like for future events: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/7VXYKQK 

Our first event to specifically aim to span the many timezones of our community, this 11-hour ArchivesSpace extravaganza will include a mix of opportunities to share and learn from each other about many different aspects of ArchivesSpace.


March 18, 2019 beginning at 5:00 pm UTC, featuring a program of three 3-hour blocks with 1-hour breaks in between

Find your local time

All online, with opportunities to join via computer or phone

Who Can Attend:

Anyone using or interested in using ArchivesSpace

Tips for Attendees:

We’re delighted to have over 350 people registered for at least one of the three blocks. We've put together some tips to make the event a good experience for everyone.

Code of Conduct:

Our Online Forum forum adheres to Code4Lib’s CodeofConduct4Lib. We seek to provide a welcoming, fun, and safe community experience for everyone. The full text of the code of conduct is available at: http://bit.ly/coc4lib.


all session descriptions and speaker biographies

playlist of recordings for all sessions (in progress)

timetopic or presentationspeakers

Welcome and Introduction to the Forum

speaker biography | presentation | notes | recording

Christine Di Bella (ArchivesSpace)

We’re on the Road to Somewhere: Navigating Your ArchivesSpace Implementation

description and speaker biographies | presentation | notes | recording

Madeline Sheldon (LYRASIS)

Anne Marie Lyons (Atlas Systems)

Navigating Your Implementation Lightning Round | recording for all lightning round sessions

So Much Data, So Little Time: Prioritizing Manuscript Collections for ArchivesSpace

description and speaker biography | presentation | notes

Michelle C. Sigiel (Watkinson Library)

Where Did I Put That? Using Locations in ArchivesSpace

description and speaker biographies | presentation | notes

Sarit Hand and Francesca Pitaro (AP Corporate Archives)

Columbia University Libraries ArchivesSpace Migration

description and speaker biographies | presentation | notes

Kevin Schlottmann and David Hodges (Columbia University)

Integrations for Digital Objects

description and speaker biographies

Srinivasan presentation | Brady/Chase presentation | Keswick/Soprano presentation | Huffman presentation | notes | recording

Venkat Srinivasan (National Centre for Biological Sciences, Tata Institute of Fundamental Research)

Terry Brady (Georgetown University)

Suzanne Chase (Georgetown University)

Tommy Keswick (Caltech University) 

Mariella Soprano (Caltech University) 

Noah Huffman (Duke University)

local timebreak

Welcome or Welcome Back

speaker biography | presentationnotes

Christine Di Bella (ArchivesSpace)

Working with IT and ArchivesSpace: An Open Conversation

description and speaker biographies | questions | notes | recording

Laney McGlohon (ArchivesSpace)

Blake Carver (LYRASIS)

moderated by Jessica Crouch (University of South Carolina/ArchivesSpace) and Patrick Milhoan (University of Notre Dame)

Regional Discovery Networks

description and speaker biographies 

Custer presentation | Focke presentation | notes | recording

Mark Custer (Yale University)

Amanda Focke (Rice University)

Navigating Your Implementation Lightning Round | recording for all lightning round sessions

ASpace to Learn: Training Student Employees to Use ArchivesSpace

description and speaker biography | presentation | notes

Krista Oldham (Clemson University)

The Implementation Roller Coaster

description and speaker biography | presentation | notes

Danielle Butler (Butler Center for Arkansas Studies)

It’s All About the Fit: Engaging Student Assistants, Interns, and Volunteers with ArchivesSpace

description and speaker biography | presentation | notes

Carolyn Runyon (University of Tennessee at Chattanooga)

ArchivesSpace Implementation at University of Southern Mississippi Special Collections

description and speaker biography | presentation | notes

Lorraine Stuart (University of Southern Mississippi)

Moving Up and Moving In

description and speaker biography | presentation | notes

Caitlin Rizzo (Pennsylvania State University)

local timebreak

Block C

local time

Welcome or Welcome Back

speaker biography | presentation | notes 

Christine Di Bella (ArchivesSpace)

Series of Tubes: Moving Subjects from MARC to ArchivesSpace Records

description and speaker biography | presentation | notes | recording

Ruth Kitchin Tillman (Pennsylvania State University)

Moving Metadata and Boxes: ArchivesSpace Migration and an Off-site Storage Move

description and speaker biography | presentation | notes | recording

Katrina Windon (University of Arkansas Libraries)

Keeping Tabs on ArchivesSpace: Our Present and Our Future

description and speaker biography | presentation | getting started handout | notes | recording

Christine Di Bella (ArchivesSpace)

Customizing the Public Interface: Some Simple How-Tos

description and speaker biographies | presentationpresentation and examples | notes | recording

Laney McGlohon (ArchivesSpace)

Lora Woodford (ArchivesSpace)

Making Your Case for ArchivesSpace

description and speaker biographies

Innes presentation | Innes remarks | Jolley presentation | Srinivasan presentation | Dawson presentation | notes | recording

Stephen Innes (University of Auckland)

Emma Jolley (National Library of Australia)

Venkat Srinivasan (National Centre for Biological Sciences)

Leilani Dawson (University of Hawaiʻi - Mānoa)

Good-Bye for NowChristine Di Bella (ArchivesSpace)

Working group members:

  • Jessica Crouch, University of South Carolina
  • Leilani Dawson, University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa
  • Madeline Sheldon, LYRASIS
  • Mariella Soprano, California Institute of Technology
  • Megan Firestone, Southwestern University
  • Patrick Milhoan, University of Notre Dame
  • Stephen Innes, University of Auckland
  • Venkat Srinivasan, Archives, National Centre for Biological Sciences
  • Christine Kim, California Digital Library
  • Christine Di Bella, ArchivesSpace

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