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  • Migration is often heavily informed by ensuring that the imported metadata follows standardized schema

    • How can we make explicit what ArchivesSpace commits to in terms of metadata standards?

    • How do we document this?

  • Daniel: A lot of this works came out of the structure of the EAD

    • There is a desire to ensure that EAC-CPF and MARC exports are fully supported from within ASpace

    • Tooltips for the system are based on DACS, but this is customizable

    • Resource record section is based on EAD and DACS

  • Internationalization

    • We should note that RAD or ISAD might be preferred by adopters outside of the United States

    • Hence, DACS might not be preferred for those outside of the US

  • OAI-PMH Implementation

    • Note that this supports Dublin Core

  • There are tiers of support for standards when it comes to adherence

    • For some standards, ASpace just exports data with the bare minimum level of compliance

    • This should be distinguished

    • Highest level of compliance and documentation should be there for MARC, but for cases such as Dublin Core, we might just offer the mapping

    • Daniel: EAD adherence is really the highest tier

    • Greg: Defining these tiers and standards can be a work plan item

    • Kevin: MARC is constantly considered at Columbia University, a robust MARC implementation within ASpace would be ideal

    • Greg: We should explore how DACS applies to ASpace, documenting how it is implemented would be valuable

  • Kevin: We should look towards documenting existing import and export mappings for at least EAD and MARC, and get these up to date

    • These are behind by more than one year

    • Bria: In the Migrations Sub-group, having a path for getting these mappings updated would have been valuable

    • Greg: Ensuring that communicating that a certain element must be updated in the mapping alone would be a great contribution

    • Kevin: This would likely be offered as instructions to community members in how to create JIRA tickets for review


  • Christine: Much of the ASpace documentation is being migrated to Confluence, hence it might be best to explore migrating this mapping documentation here as well

    • Kevin: To what extent could some of this process involve documentation generated from the code base?

    • Christine: This is difficult to determine, but when changes are made to the API, there can be documentation updates which are generated

      • Not certain as to whether or not this could be supported for export/import functionality

    • Note that Data mapping is not a part of the technical documentation

    • There are a few spreadsheets which are linked from the general documentation

    • Christine: The technical documentation focuses upon what is involved in installing and deploying the application

    • There has not been a full effort to update the MARC export/import maps due to limited developer resources

MARC Mapping Concerns

  • Migrations Working Group found that there are some long-standing, complex issues regarding the importation of more obscure MARC fields

  • It would be best to try and break this down into actionable tasks

  • Kevin: Some of the behavior might be adjusted within the JRuby code base

  • Adjusting the field-level mappings for MARC export/imports can perhaps be demonstrated or documented for the community

  • Christine: This group should decide what the way is regarding the default/”one true way” to support default mappings

Support for Emerging Standards

  • There should also be an understanding that the standards are vast, and that there might be a need to call on expertise from outside of the community

  • Controlled vocabularies might be an area where catalogers would be preferred in terms of inviting colleagues to collaborate

  • EAD3 is still also a fairly new standard, and expertise might need to be invited

  • RIC is another standard which should be considered


  • Exploring how difficult it might be to support Records in Context would be desirable as well

  • TS-


  • DACS membership ensures that we have parties who are engaged in the development and finalization of this standard

    • Perhaps we should


    • consider a call to the general Technical Advisory Committee enquiring about DACS support once work with the DACS progresses

Work Plan Tasks and Goals

  • Defining our level of commitment to various standards

  • Addressing various mappings (this will need to be broken down into tasks, and we will need to ensure that we clearly define our level of commitment)

  • How DACS integration is supported and how tooltips are in sync.

  • Addressing dev. tickets and to what extent a request to improve a feature will be rewarding to the community

  • Offer a mechanism to provide feedback

Next Steps

Offer We should offer an e-mail on the Wiki where we define the work plan items

Break We should break them down on to tasks

In four weeks, assign the specific tasks, and define a timeline for each of these

Scheduling the Next Call

Next TAC call is scheduled for two weeks
