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The Nominating Committee will be constituted at the 3rd Quarter Board Meeting each year (typically in March), and it will begin its work in early April. Its work will conclude in June after elections have concluded and appointments have been made to the councils.


  • Early April: Nominating Committee reviews, revises as needed, and posts calls for nominations to fill any vacancies on the Governance Board, TAC, and UAC.
  • Mid to Late April: Nominating Committee solicits nominations directly.
    • While waiting for the general membership to submit nominations in response to the calls posted to the mailing lists, Nominating Committee members should also confer on possible nominees to fill required vacancies and contact those whom they think would make candidates to solicit their interest. Since the general calls for nominations may not yield a sufficient number of sufficiently qualified nominees, it is vitally important that the Nominating Committee take an active role in identifying qualified candidates and encouraging them to consider accepting nomination on behalf of the Committee.
      • When identifying possible candidates, Nominating Committee members should consider a range of criteria, including geographic and institutional diversity, but should focus primarily on the candidates' relevant knowledge and experience.
      • Candidates for Governance Board vacancies must be current employees of organizations that belong to the corresponding membership level.
      • Candidates for TAC and UAC should represent a variety of institutional sizes and types, but the Bylaws do not require such representation according to any specific numbers.
      • Candidates for UAC must be current employees of a member organization.
      • Candidates for TAC do not have to be employed by a member organization. They may be employees of a Registered Service Provider or someone with general interest and experience in supporting community-based software development efforts.
      • The Nominating Committee Chair should maintain a list of possible candidates and work with Committee members to determine which Committee member should be designated to contact each candidate. When contacting candidates, the Committee member should explain very clearly that at this stage, the Committee is only seeking interested and qualified nominees. That is, an invitation from the Committee to consider accepting a nomination does not guarantee that the candidate will be ultimately selected to stand for election or receive an appointment. The Committee member should explain that the Committee will make recommendations to the Governance Board for nominations once all nominations have been received and confirmed.
    • As nominations and self-nominations are received in response to the general calls, the Nominating Committee Chair or designee should contact each of the nominees to confirm that their nomination has been received and to request them to supply any additional information that may help the Committee evaluate the nomination (this contact provides a good opportunity to remind nominees that the Committee will be convening to select and recommend a final list of nominees to the Governance Board for approval for election or appointment).
      • Nominees for Governance Board vacancies should be requested to supply draft candidate statements, noting that nominees who are selected to appear on the ballot will have an opportunity to revise and finalize their candidate statements for the ballot. They can be sent copies of previous ballots as models for candidate statements.
      • The Committee should verify that all nominees for Governance Board vacancies are currently employed by a member institution of the level corresponding to the vacancy for which they are nominated.
      • The Committee should verify that all nominees for UAC vacancies are currently employed by a member institution.
    • The Nominating Committee Chair schedules at least two conference call/virtual meetings of the Committee for May, including an initial, long meeting very soon after the deadline for nominations closes.



May, last two weeks:

Friday-Sunday (ten days after opening)

Announce election

  • Opening of election
  • Reminder
  • Close of election


  • Early May: Nominating Committee confirms nominees.
    • As soon as the deadline for the calls for nominations has passed, the Program Manager works with the Nominating Committee Chair to compile a complete list of all nominees, including nominees submitted in response to the general calls, self-nominations, and nominations solicited by Committee invitation. The list should be grouped by nominations for each vacancy. The list may be maintained on a restricted page of the wiki or otherwise secure and restricted shared folder, such as GoogleDrive or Dropbox.
    • The Nominating Committee Chair convenes a Committee meeting to review all nominations and begin the process of prioritizing nominees to fill available vacancies according to a set of criteria that the Committee develops, but which should emphasize the nominees' relevant qualifications and experience to fulfill the responsibilities associated with the vacancy as well as diversity of institutional type, size, and location.
      • For Governance Board vacancies, the Committee must identify two (and only two) candidates to stand for election for each vacant Member Representative level.
      • For
    the Board and Nominations Committee the Bylaws specify that membership is also contingent on the membership level of the individuals organization. Previous Nomination Committees have also tried to explicitly ensure that UAC and TAC also include members from different organizations levels but doing so is not mandated in the Bylaws.
  • For the TAC only (not the Board or UAC), the Bylaws include a specific statement that non-members may serve on TAC. Brad recalls the original logic for this being to enable tech staff not part of member orgs but who are actively engaged in development to contribute to TAC activities. 








Call for nominations for election to Governance, and for appointment to TAC or UAC


May, First two weeks


Construct ballot

  • Select candidates
  • Acquire candidate statements
  • Implement voting tool

Review nominations for TAC & UAC

      • TAC and UAC vacancies, the Committee must identify one (and only one) candidate to fill each vacancy.
      • The Committee should also prioritize a list of alternates for each vacancy in case the Governance Board should decline to approve a proposed candidate or in case a candidate decides to withdraw.
  • Mid to Late May: Nominating Committee submits nominee recommendations to Governance Board for approval.
    • The Nominating Committee Chair sends a message to Governance Board members listing the nominees the Committee has proposed to stand for election for any Governance Board Member Representative vacancies or for appointment to TAC or UAC. The message should include an attachment that includes draft candidate statements for Board candidates and summary information about TAC and UAC nominees. It should also include statistics on the numbers of nominations that were received for each vacancy. The message should ask Governance Board members to signal their approval or disapproval of the nominees by a specific deadline. If any nominees are not approved by the Governance Board, the Nominating Committee Chair should request the Board to consider approving the alternates it has identified.
    • Once a slate of nominees for all vacancies has been approved by the Governance Board, the Nominating Committee Chair should coordinate contacting all nominees accordingly:

June 15 (or earlier)

Report election results to Board

July 1

Announce election results

  • To candidates
  • To membership

Announce TAC & UAC appointments

  • To nominees
  • To membership
