Versions Compared


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  • Alicia Detelich
  • Celia Caust-Ellenbogen
  • Joanne Archer
  • John Rees
  • Marcella Huggard
  • Madeline Sheldon
  • Margaret Hughes
  • Mariella Soprano
  • Valerie Addonizio
  • Christine Kim

Discussion items

10 min

Review survey data

  • Themes that were repeated over and over
  • TL;DR section
  • API workshop – slightly modified and abbreviated version
  • Ask Dave Mayo
  • Rethinking API workshop from the ground up – might be unrealistic timing
  • Can give another abbreviated version of it?
  • Reducing down is something Valerie might be able to commit to
  • API workshop should be hands on and showing people how to do stuff. But if concern is people not following along, explain expectations
  • Alicia has been working on implementing ArchivesSnake
  • Clarify that API workshop is more advanced
  • Can do two workshops?
  • If it's made clear, the first part is an overview. People like Mariella would benefit from that. But become more technical in the afternoon – people without technical knowledge can only attend first part. Just to learn more about what you can expect from the API and work with developers better.
  • Side hackathon track. developers go out and talk to each other. do something cool, but learn. but they don't really attend the program part of the meeting.
  • How many developers are going to come to the member forum? Would more be able to get funding?
  • Hackathon – developers working with ASpace code? making modifications locally? plugins?
  • Need to develop a theme beforehand?
  • Can hackathon happen remotely? Zoom calls work very well, for example. 
  • If you have the technology in the conference space that people can call into, that would be doable. And having a chat space set up. Don't need to be on the call the whole time, but a chat room (working on this Jira ticket or whatever theme)
  • Slack?
  • Half day might be too little? 3/4 day? Even 10-5? An hour long opening thing?
  • Maybe something like how to get involved in community development at the beginning?
  • Couple tracks – one for advanced, one for basic
  • Catered lunch is more conducive to networking
  • Smaller institutions focused section
  • bring a finding aid and migration
  • Migrations
  • Contracted with HM to help facilitate migrations?
  • Migrations from various platforms
  • John homegrown dams and ead
  • Migration panel? 4 people from different sources?
  • Mariella: accessions were in filemaker pro highly customized database. also slowly migrating ead into resources.
  • Any of it is open
  • Select a panel of variety of experiences. Not just resources to resources, but other data to other things. Box or container migration project.
  • Box clean up, accessions, resources, agents/subjects
  • Bentley, Rockefeller Archive Center. Greenfield migration (raw data)
  • Migrations sub-team? Panel? Dustin is the lead. Maggie will check in with Dustin
  • At the next group planning meeting? Then the topics form will have been out for a couple of weeks.
10 min

Program in progress

ArchivesSpace Member Forum 2018

  • Hard to think about without responses from the survey
  • Future directions – what can we do with this direction? What future directions do we have? – bring everybody back together.
  • Tracks idea. Should have another column?
  • Change the program to reflect parallel tracks
  • Make sure we have enough time for breaks! Two themes first? Longer break? before lunch? Vs two short breaks.
5 min

Speaker submissions


Announcements (ideas)


Lightning round

Breakout sessions (ideas)

  • specifically focused on lone arrangers, small institutions?
  • smaller rooms broken into themes
  • assessments (smithsonian?)
  • mentoring idea

Workshops (ideas)

  • API? ArchivesSnake?
  • Best practices, efficient tools
    • Tooltips, RDE, bring a finding aid

5 min

Registration form:


Password: aspacedc

  • Send it out after the program is set.
  • If we have enough sense of what's happening
  • Here's the wiki, you can watch the program develop, registration will be sent out on this date, etc.
5 minWorking group timeline updates: DC Member Forum timeline

5 min

Next meeting: June 12 (2-3pm ET, 11-12 PT)


Action items

  •  Type your task here, using "@" to assign to a user and "//" to select a due date