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Zoom Info

Time: Jan 20, 2022 11:00 AM Eastern Time (US and Canada)


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  • Updates

  • Discussions

    • TAC Surveys






5 min

IntroductionsRandy Kuehn

Valerie Addonizio

5 min

Program Update

15 min

Sub-team Updates

  • Development Prioritization:

  • Integrations:

  • Metadata Standards:

  • Technical Documentation:

  • Testing:

  • Development Prioritization:

  • Integrations:

  • Metadata Standards:

  • Technical Documentation:

  • Testing:

15 min

TAC Business

Randy Kuehn

5 min

Open Mic

5 min

Closing Notes

Randy Kuehn

Action items




Program Update

  • Working on 3.1, patch release, putting out a patch release which resolves (that) issue, and another set of issues

  • The updates for this might not be that be urgent

  • Also aiming for an end-of-the-year release with additional release

  • Lora Woodford is leaving for another development position elsewhere, and this will reduce staffing resources

Sub-Team Updates

Dev. Pri.

  • Close to having 0 bugs within the queue


  • Kate is no longer available to serve in the Integrations Sub-Team

  • Meetings are going to be held monthly meetings with working sessions

  • Goals of the sub-team have been realigned to include working on the Confluence landing page, as well as for other pages

  • Next week, the Sub-Team shall meet to address layout choices

  • Also, there is planned a routine maintenance survey issued to the community

  • Sub-Team also aims to become more engaged on the community mailing list


  • Addresses documentation

  • Split participants amongst old business and new business

  • Old business

    • MARC order is out-of-place

    • Progress on EAD 2002 element description assessment

  • Handling Jira tickets actively

  • Aiming to have Valerie present during the online ArchivesSpace Forum

    • Currently have the objective of supporting additional MARC tags

  • All requests and questions are welcome

Technical Documentation

  • Continuing to check around the Jekyll Site

  • Improvements and additions are being introduced for the Solr documentation


  • JIRA testing assignments are actively being addressed

  • The sub-team is hoping to complete these by the end of December

  • They are also structuring the process of onboarding new Sub-Team members

TAC Business

  • Reorganization within the Wiki was addressed by Randy

    • Request any and all feedback

  • There will be no meeting scheduled in December

  • January 20th 2022, 11:00AM EST

    • In general these are the third Thursday of every month

    • January, April, and June

    • All found the times for these to be acceptable

  • Randy proposed the tentative topics for these months

Working Group Project

  • This project primarily focuses upon workflows

  • Often when Sub-Team members are assigned responsibilities, but they are not quite certain as to what it is that they are to do

    • Time-based calendars have been drafted as templates in order to assist in providing guidance for these

    • The templates for this are probably going to be finished by the end of this term

      • However, the objective is to ensure that the current Sub-Team chairs are to pass on the templates to the next chairs for the next term

  • These templates are going to be chairs in Confluence

Retrospective Topics

  • During the retrospective for the last year, there were three areas of improvement identified for the community

    • Workflows

    • Recruitment

    • Visibility

  • For this meeting, there is a survey in which all participating is strongly encouraged and valued

  • section:Conversation Starters/Survey Questions

    • Please scroll to the section “Visibility”

    • (For 2 minutes, there was a collective review)

    • Feedback

      • If this is too long, bullet points 4,5,6 are broadly covered by the other points

        • These are not necessary

      • In the last bullet point, the first sub-bullet can be removed

      • Some do prefer more of a balance between broadly-scoped and specific questions for surveys

      • Themes

        • Visibility to the community

        • Visibility to the board

        • Is the council itself also a third audience?

          • When speaking of the AS community, one can speak to the specific channels for communication

            • Check off the channels which you know exist

            • Ask which the user knows of

    • Did everyone know that we have a board representative on TAC?

    • Quarterly reports

      • Can we put this out on the listserv?

  • Visibility group aims to ensure that all new members of the ArchivesSpace community have the proper guidance and can readily identify communication channels

    • Perhaps a question should be: We have presented on visibility at the 2020 Forum

      • Should this be included every year?

Recruitment Survey

(Please complete the recruitment survey!)

Awesome ArchivesSpace

Open Mic

  • (No questions or comments were offered)

Leadership Training

  • This is still available, and all feedback is welcome


Christine Di Bella

15 min

Sub-team Updates

  • Development Prioritization: During our meeting on January 4th we reviewed 21 Jira tickets (3 of which we didn’t get to discussing). We passed 12 tickets. We closed 4 tickets. We postponed 1 ticket regarding digital object visibility so that more of us could review the several page specification that was provided. And we moved 1 ticket to awaiting more information.
    Excluding what we have assigned for our upcoming meeting-- there are 15 feature request tickets that are awaiting prioritization ( And there are 0 bug tickets that are awaiting prioritization ( as a few of them that aren’t assigned to other subcommittees haven’t been moved to ready for implementation and one of them will be reviewed in our next meeting)
    If we do get through all tickets that need prioritization-- we are tentatively planning on working on the ones that are awaiting more information or using the monthly meeting to work on a themed review of tickets-- or if there are suggestions let us know.

  • Integrations: Is down to two members and would welcome assistance. Currently working on timeline and documentation

  • Metadata Standards:

    • Thanks to Regine for taking the lead on completely reorganizing the mapping documents for the EAD2002 importer; we expect this to be a game-changer moving forward

    • (Hopefully) preparing topics and discussion points for the Online Forum

    • Have been addressing Jira tickets tagged for Metadata

    • Tested GitHub Filewatcher, which will email us when changes are made to parts of the code we care about documenting

  • Technical Documentation:Blake Carver would like feedback on installations with external Solr

  • Testing:

    • Tested 30 Jira tickets in November/December

    • Regression testing for 3.2.0 and 4 Jira tickets

15 min

TAC Business

Valerie Addonizio

  • Meeting Schedule

    • Feb: Joint TAC/UAC Meeting TBD

    • April 21 11:00 AM Eastern Time

    • June 16 11:00 AM Eastern Time

  • Extent Surveys

  • Discussion Topic

    • Communication / Improving Workflows

    • Recommendations/Comments:
      - Broaden questions to include communication between teams
      - Use of OneNote has been useful to capture meeting notes and improve workflow
      - Proposal to keep communication and workflows separate to support/improve documentation
      - Proposal to have meeting with previous sub-team leads at the beginning of new terms

5 min

Open Mic

Integrations needs help clarifying definitions. We will look into adding this to the agenda of the next TAC meeting. Sarit Hand will gather the definitions for discussion.

5 min

Closing Notes

Valerie Addonizio

Action items

