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Agenda (and minutes):

  • updates from Bobbicheck in
    • Needs advice from HM about how to implement the Advanced Search features on the homepage.  HM will take a look today.
    • Questions shared with HM last week:


      • HM will add a date field to sort by in the solr documents.
      • HM can use Solr to include something like a "did you mean" suggestion
      • HM will look into something like "and"ing terms rather than "or"ing them in a single-field search (e.g. the issue that a search for "stars and stripes forever" essentially returns everything, since many of the records have the term "and").
      • HM will make sure that the top container value and indicators are added to the Solr index so that a search for "Box 1" in a specific collection that has a box 1, will be successful
      • grouping results by collection?  not sure on best way to do this yet, but an example with how NCSU is doing this was shared, e.g.  (no clue if that will help, but just an FYI)
      • put an entire tree into a solr doc?  HM has concerns, since some of these collections can have upwards of 100k nodes.  other ways to handle this for the side-bar navigation that's on each resource/component page?  maybe go back to CH design, which would show 3 up and 3 down (whether ancestor and/or sibling)???  HM will think more about this one after AR-1300
  • AR-1300 updates
    • started work on this / have some concern.  deepest tree HM had on hand was 7 or 8 deep.  should perform well up to about 10 deep, but still need to do some performance testing to be certain.
    • all of the inheritable data elements are configurable...  in order to meet REQ 1, we can ship a config file that will have those DACS-recommended elements turned on.  sounds elegant to me!
    • HM is also still thinking through how to combine the inherited elements with the rest so that it's clear what's been inherited.
    • will have more to report on the next call.
  • review accessibility test results (save for next meeting)
  • 10/27 PUI meeting update and feedback on newly prioritized list:
  • HM:  advice on the port number of the test corpus about the PUI, before we share the link (hopefully this Friday).
    • lots of ports already in use, but James will take a look.  if nothing else works, i can just add a note about that in my message.
  • ...
  • next meeting?
    • November 15th, Tuesday, 4 p.m. EDT / 1 p.m. CDT, November 16th, 8 a.m. AEST