Working Groups

Working Groups

From time to time, ad-hoc working groups are convened to address special projects and member activities. We'll post them here while they are active and provide a home for archived projects as they are completed. 

Some of these groups are cross-community working groups considering issues related to specific aspects of ArchivesSpace or its integration with other systems. In these cases, ArchivesSpace membership is usually not a requirement for participation in these groups. Confluence workspaces for working groups are available for public viewing and participation according to policies determined by the working group.

ArchivesSpace > Archivematica (to develop workflows to facilitate integration between ArchivesSpace and Archivematica - open)

ArchivesSpace > Aeon (to investigate integration of ArchivesSpace with Aeon - open)

ArchivesSpace Training (for those providing instruction in using ArchivesSpace)

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