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Microsoft Teams meeting





5 mins


15 mins

EAD Mapping reorganization

Opening the floor to Regine Heberlein to show us her work and invite comments.

Further discussion on EAD work for this term


  • Thank you to Regine for the initiative on this reorganization!

  • Excellent discussion around this new data model and the advantages it presents. Regine’s next step will be to bring in content as appropriate from our preexisting spreadsheet, as well as add some new columns to help with sorting. New columns to potentially include: Display/HTML? Supported? DACS?

  • Discussed the goal to define a Minimum Viable Product for EAD using these fields and our work to support unit testing for the developers.

  • Suggested we talk to Mark Custer about TS-EAS and supporting EAD4

  • Support for EAD3/EAD4 is a good question to raise at the online forum

  • Why are we adopting a new standard (EAD4) when no one is using EAD3?

20 min

Updates on progress

Action items from last agenda:

Valerie Addonizio Updates:

  • GitHub filewatcher

    • Hopefully this works, now how to pass this tool on?

  • Tiers of Support

    • Though only drafted, some additional feedback was to make a distinction between importers and exporters. possible scenario: We will not support the ingest of EAD3, but we will support the export


Elizabeth Roke Updates

  • 040s

  • 264 $c

  • New column in MARC spreadsheet for ticket tracking

    • We should share this with Christine when this work is finished at end of term

Kevin Schlottmann Updates

  • GitHub filewatcher testing (thank you!)

  • Drafted a ticket requesting that the AS importer code spit out any element that is not handled. Feedback? Ad hoc working group?

    • Suggested feedback was to draft this in reverse: report what was handled, to assist the user in determining what was not

15 min

New/Ongoing ticket review

Check for new tickets.


  • Was particularly difficult. There is a lot in here, would be better broken up into multiple user stories.

  • Reading this as the ability to emulate the repeatable unitid with a type attribute in EAD.

  • Better argument at the archival object level because there are some ways to work around this in Resources with the use of plugins.

  • Different use case of managing agents because there are different authority records, but ArchivesSpace should be the database of record.

  • Hesitance about prioritizing giving intellectual records multiple identifiers.

  • No solid conclusion today, will continue to revisit.

5 min

Next steps/homework

This time I’m going to get the darn action items up faster!

We will switch the working meeting and the regular meeting for January to account for the holidays.

Action Items
