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Action items





Program Update

  • Working on 3.1, patch release, putting out a patch release which resolves (that) issue, and another set of issues

  • The updates for this might not be that be urgent

  • Also aiming for an end-of-the-year release with additional release

  • Lora Woodford is leaving for another development position elsewhere, and this will reduce staffing resources

Sub-Team Updates

Dev. Pri.

  • Close to having 0 bugs within the queue


  • Kate is no longer available to serve in the Integrations Sub-Team

  • Meetings are going to be held monthly meetings with working sessions

  • Goals of the sub-team have been realigned to include working on the Confluence landing page, as well as for other pages

  • Next week, the Sub-Team shall meet to address layout choices

  • Also, there is planned a routine maintenance survey issued to the community

  • Sub-Team also aims to become more engaged on the community mailing list


  • Addresses documentation

  • Split participants amongst old business and new business

  • Old business

    • MARC order is out-of-place

    • Progress on EAD 2002 element description assessment

  • Handling Jira tickets actively

  • Aiming to have Valerie present during the online ArchivesSpace Forum

    • Currently have the objective of supporting additional MARC tags

  • All requests and questions are welcome

Technical Documentation

  • Continuing to check around the Jekyll Site

  • Improvements and additions are being introduced for the Solr documentation


  • JIRA testing assignments are actively being addressed

  • The sub-team is hoping to complete these by the end of December

  • They are also structuring the process of onboarding new Sub-Team members

TAC Business

  • Reorganization within the Wiki was addressed by Randy

    • Request any and all feedback

  • There will be no meeting scheduled in December

  • January 20th 2022, 11:00AM EST

    • In general these are the third Thursday of every month

    • January, April, and June

    • All found the times for these to be acceptable

  • Randy proposed the tentative topics for these months

Working Group Project

  • This project primarily focuses upon workflows

  • Often when Sub-Team members are assigned responsibilities, but they are not quite certain as to what it is that they are to do

    • Time-based calendars have been drafted as templates in order to assist in providing guidance for these

    • The templates for this are probably going to be finished by the end of this term

      • However, the objective is to ensure that the current Sub-Team chairs are to pass on the templates to the next chairs for the next term

  • These templates are going to be chairs in Confluence

Retrospective Topics

  • During the retrospective for the last year, there were three areas of improvement identified for the community

    • Workflows

    • Recruitment

    • Visibility

  • For this meeting, there is a survey in which all participating is strongly encouraged and valued

  • section:Conversation Starters/Survey Questions

    • Please scroll to the section “Visibility”

    • (For 2 minutes, there was a collective review)

    • Feedback

      • If this is too long, bullet points 4,5,6 are broadly covered by the other points

        • These are not necessary

      • In the last bullet point, the first sub-bullet can be removed

      • Some do prefer more of a balance between broadly-scoped and specific questions for surveys

      • Themes

        • Visibility to the community

        • Visibility to the board

        • Is the council itself also a third audience?

          • When speaking of the AS community, one can speak to the specific channels for communication

            • Check off the channels which you know exist

            • Ask which the user knows of

    • Did everyone know that we have a board representative on TAC?

    • Quarterly reports

      • Can we put this out on the listserv?

  • Visibility group aims to ensure that all new members of the ArchivesSpace community have the proper guidance and can readily identify communication channels

    • Perhaps a question should be: We have presented on visibility at the 2020 Forum

      • Should this be included every year?

Recruitment Survey

(Please complete the recruitment survey!)

Awesome ArchivesSpace

Open Mic

  • (No questions or comments were offered)

Leadership Training

  • This is still available, and all feedback is welcome

Meeting adjourned at 11:44 EST