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5 Minutes



  • Who you are, job title/where you work, how many years have you been involved with TAC/ArchivesSpace.

  • Ice breaker: what is your favorite tv show?

5 Minutes



  • Provide brief overview of what exactly this group does.

  • Review important TechDocs materials and where to find them.

15 Minutes



  • Monthly meetings: Jenna will send out a doodle poll to find a regular meeting time.

    • Thinking the 3rd Wednesday of every month.

    • Stressed flexibility if there are times we need to move a meeting.

  • Establish the following techdoc roles:

    • Notetaker: discuss if the group wants a dedicated notetaker or to rotate every month.

      • Decision: Michelle will be the dedicated notetaker.

    • Vice lead: this position will eventually become chair of the group. But will also assist with running meetings when necessary, dividing up action items, etc.

      • Pushed decision until we can have whole group together

  • Workspace access

    • Confluence (Techdocs repository), GITHUB. Does everyone have access?

      • Jenna will work on getting everyone access to the github repo.

20 Minutes



  • Review last year’s retrospective/workplan.

  • Ideas for retrospective/workplan

    • Establish (or potentially dig out) a workflow for review release notes/update release notes.

      • Agreed it was a good idea for this group to review release notes and check for impacts on techdocs.

    • Links audit

      • Continuation from last year. Can add in more people and document the process.

      • Discuss the idea of a regular audit schedule.

    • Discussion of techdoc promotion

      • continuation from last year, ways to promote techdocs.

    • Labels in Github and how we can use them in workflows.

      • Will need to do a decent amount of exploration of these and the purpose they serve/can serve.

10 Minutes



  • Recap

  • Time to answer any questions, concerns, etc.

✅ Action items

  •  Jenna (or Christine) will need to add group members to the GitHub.
  •  Jenna will send out Doodle poll or email to set up recurring meetings.
  •  Jenna will review the workplan and reach out to the group for input/assistance as it is put together.

⤴ Decisions

  • Michelle will be the dedicated notetaker.
  • Pushed decision on Vice Chair until later due to two members not being present.