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  • Rebecca Baugnon

  • Elizabeth Beckman - regrets

  • Johanna Carll

  • Kellen Carpenter

  • Regina Carra (Vice-Chair)

  • Christine Di Bella (ex-officio)

  • Bailey Hoffner

  • Margaret Turman Kidd

  • Randy Kuehn (ex-officio)

  • Dan Michelson (Chair)

  • Patrick Milhoan

  • Matthew Neely

  • Cory Nimer

  • Sarah Ponichtera - regrets

  • Suzanne Reller

  • Joshua Shaw

  • Althea Topek

  • Angela White






5 mins

Roll Call/Icebreaker

Daniel Michelson

5 mins

UAC Updates

Daniel Michelson

  • Updates on members

    • Regina, Bailey, Margaret, Matthew, and Cory have volunteered to serve another 2-year term (ending June 2024)

    • Kate Blalack has resigned

    • Liz, Joshua, and Angela will depart when their terms end in June

    • Anticipate four new members joining in July

  • PSA: Please consider contributing to the Inclusive Examples Project. Project to collect ASpace records for User Docs. Reach out to Brittany Newberry for questions.

5 mins

Program Update

Christine Di Bella

  • Thanks to everyone who participate in the Online Forum. Presentations and recordings are up: ArchivesSpace Online Forum 2022

    • Second day was especially great with sub-team presentations.

  • Working toward the next release. Aiming for May.

  • Nominating season is nearly upon us. Calls for people interested in open slots on UAC and TAC will be distributed soon.

    • Nominations committee meeting today.

    • Call will go out over the next few weeks.

10 mins

Sub-team Reports

Development Prioritization

Angela White

  • Evaluated 18 tickets in March

  • Presented at the ASpace Online Forum to a crowd of nearly 100

Users Documentation

Johanna Carll

  • Continued working on updating Digital Object documentation

  • Met with Brittany Newberry about the project to diversify the AS test and training data


Joshua Shaw

  • Currently testing 13 Jira issues.

  • Team presented at ASpace Online Forum.


Althea Topek

  • Worked on recommendations for PDF improvements

  • Finalized recommendation for spawning specifications.

Member Engagement

Regina Carra

  • Spent last month revising Member Match application and announcement text

  • Launched application for second cohort of Member Match on March 28

  • Working on “Making the Case for ArchivesSpace” info sheet – to be discussed at UAC next month

30 mins

Discussion: Usability

Althea Topek

Currently sits at 3 people.

  • Usability is relatively new and evolving. Decreased in size in recent years.

  • Originally, usability was reviewing tickets sent by DevPri.

  • What does UAC need from Usability? How we can be a better resource?

  • Should usability create more tickets? Angela: Yes, please submit tickets.

  • Question from Angela: does Usability submit tickets? Answer: Yes, tickets were submitted on behalf of usability.

  • From Dan: There was a large accessibility audit recently completed.

  • Primary responsibility of usability was to review tickets. Might be better if the usability team spends more time getting user feedback and soliciting input.

  • Maybe creates one survey a year that usability would appreciate a lot of feedback on.

  • From Johanna, can we increase communication b/w usability and UserDocs if the issue might be doc related?

  • Are there any topics that we would like to solicit greater input?

    • Rights statements

    • Digital objects

  • We can begin investigating what is valuable to the community.

  • Spawning digital object record from a component record should be coming soon.

  • Could post survey results for those who want to look into other examples.

  • From Christine: Digital objects discussion should be happening in the next 6 months but it is still in development. From Althea, maybe we can submit a survey during this discussion?

  • Question from Bailey: Do we have a place where the EAD map live? Metadata standards has this information. Lives in GitHub.

5 mins

New Business

Daniel Michelson

Next Meeting

Daniel Michelson

  • Next UAC meeting is April 26. Member Engagement will lead the discussion.
