ArchivesSpace Online Forum 2022

ArchivesSpace Online Forum 2022

Thank you to everyone who attended the 4th annual ArchivesSpace Online Forum.

To complete the forum evaluation, please visit https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/BVMVJ83

March 21-22, 2022

March 21, 2022 – 5pm-8pm UTC / 10am-1pm PT / 1-4pm ET / 5pm-8pm GMT / 6-9pm CET (find your local time)

March 22, 2022 – 1pm-4pm UTC / 6am-9am PT / 9am-12pm ET / 1pm-4pm GMT / 2pm-5pm CET (find your local time)


All online via Zoom, with opportunities to join via computer or phone

Who Can Attend:

Anyone using or interested in using ArchivesSpace. This is a free event but registration is required.


Registrations for each day of the forum are separate. If you register for any event during the Online Forum, you will receive connection information via Zoom. 

March 21 registration only: https://lyrasis.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_IT7mddhuQcW8-9A3SuGOvQ
March 22 registration only: https://lyrasis.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZApcOGqrzMuH9C7eFdI9IgsQSnbz43HGjwF 


March 21, 2022

ArchivesSpace Online Forum 2022
Day 1

Registration (March 21 registration only): https://lyrasis.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_IT7mddhuQcW8-9A3SuGOvQ

5pm UTC

(find your local time)

Welcome and Announcements
Jessica Crouch, ArchivesSpace 

5:10-5:45pm UTC

(find your local time)

Implementing & Integrating Penn State's ArchivesSpace Public User Interface
Alexandra deGraffenreid and Kevin Clair, Pennsylvania State University

Recording Available 

Slides Available

In Fall 2021, the Eberly Family Special Collections Library at Penn State University launched its ArchivesSpace Public User Interface (PUI). For six months this site worked alongside the older finding aids website due to the challenges of integrating systems and to smooth the transition for researchers and staff. This presentation will discuss the Collection Services Team’s process of preparing ArchivesSpace for public access and launching the site. Lexy deGraffenreid will discuss finding aid data cleanup, and how Penn State staff used a 2020 finding aids audit as well as legacy finding aid statuses to prioritize updating legacy finding aids data. She will also discuss working with a graduate student assistant to perform data cleanup work by quickly updating standardized language to conform with current practices. Kevin Clair will discuss ArchivesSpace integrations and collaborating with University Libraries Strategic Technologies to personalize the public site. He will also discuss the challenges of integrating Aeon to replicate requesting functionality from the former site, to assist the Research Services Team in efficiently managing requests. In addition, Kevin will discuss integrating ArchivesSpace with Penn State’s CONTENTdm repository to display thumbnail images of digitized records in ArchivesSpace, facilitating digital preservation guidelines while more effectively promoting Penn State’s digital collections. Attendees will learn about the challenges and opportunities of integrating ArchivesSpace with other systems as well as conducting large-scale data cleanup of Resource records.

5:45-6:15pm UTC

(find your local time)

Duct tape integration: developing an automated copy order fulfillment workflow with ArchivesSpace, Preservica, and Aeon
Alicia Detelich Boersig, Yale University Library

Recording Available

Slides Available

This presentation will describe a recent Yale University Library - Manuscripts and Archives project to develop an automated copy order fulfillment workflow for already-digitized materials. The workflow was developed mid-pandemic to cope with increased reprographics requests, and relies on queries and scripts which connect several systems. Topics will include using the ArchivesSpace API to ingest links to digital content, leveraging the ArchivesSpace reports module to identify digitally-available materials, and the development of a set of scripts which combine data from ArchivesSpace and Google Sheets to download files from Preservica, share them via Box, and send the shared links to patrons via Aeon.

6:15-7:00pm UTC

(find your local time)

Considering, implementing and maintaining plugins and other customizations in ArchivesSpace
ArchivesSpace Core Committers Group

Recording Available

Slides Available

Join members of the ArchivesSpace Core Committers Group for a discussion about key considerations when creating, maintaining and using plugins and other customizations in ArchivesSpace.  ArchivesSpace Tech Lead Brian Hoffman will kick off the presentation with information about how and why you may considering using plugins with ArchivesSpace.  Core Committer Joshua Shaw (Dartmouth College) will then discuss considerations for maintaining and updating plugins.  After, join the Core Committers in a discussion about plugins and other customizations, documentation, and how best to implement customizations.

7:00-7:15pm UTC

(find your local time)


7:15-7:35pm UTC

(find your local time)

Plugin Show and Tell: Broken Link Report plugin
Corey Schmidt, University of Georgia

Recording Available

Slides Available

Plugin Available

In this session, Corey Schmidt will demo UGA's first custom plugin report for ArchivesSpace. The report plugin looks for and returns broken URLs that may exist in note fields across all repositories in an ArchivesSpace instance. Those notes come from resources, archival objects, digital objects, digital object components, digital object file versions (URLs), subject scope and contents, agent person, corporate entity, family, and software. 

7:35-8:00pm UTC

(find your local time)

Plugin Show and Tell: ArchivesSpace/SNAC Integration plugin
Jason Jordan, University of Virginia

Recording Available

Plugin Available

In this session, Jason Jordan will demo the SNAC to ArchivesSpace integration plugin he has been working on in his work with the SNAC Cooperative.

March 22, 2022

ArchivesSpace Online Forum 2022
Day 2

Registration (March 22 registration only): https://lyrasis.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZApcOGqrzMuH9C7eFdI9IgsQSnbz43HGjwF

1:00-1:05pm UTC

(find your local time)

Welcome and Announcements
Jessica Crouch, ArchivesSpace 

1:05-1:50pm UTC

(find your local time)

Discussion Session: Metadata Standards

Recording Available

Supplemental information

Join members of the ArchivesSpace Metadata Standards subteam for a discussion about metadata standards in ArchivesSpace and the role this team plays in documenting and monitoring metadata standards in the archival profession, maintaining the current data maps for migration, and advising on the adoption and implementation of various archival standards. 

1:50-2:00pm UTCBreak

2:00-2:50pm UTC

(find your local time)

Discussion Session: ArchivesSpace Development Prioritization 

Recording Available

Slides Available

Join members of the ArchivesSpace Development Prioritization subteam for a discussion of the team's role in ArchivesSpace development, how new features are prioritized for development and provide feedback on some current feature requests being considered by the team. 

2:50-3:00pm UTCBreak

3:00-3:50pm UTC

(find your local time)

Discussion Session: Testing the ArchivesSpace application

Recording Available

Slides Available

Join the ArchivesSpace Testing subteam for a discussion of the important role this team and other community members play in testing new releases of the ArchivesSpace application and learn more about how you can get involved.

Code of Conduct

Our Online Forum forum adheres to the ArchivesSpace Code of Conduct. We seek to provide a welcoming, fun, and safe community experience for everyone. The full text of the code of conduct is available at https://archivesspace.org/archivesspace-code-of-conduct


Online Forum Evaluation: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/BVMVJ83

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