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5 minutes

Roll Call/Ice Breaker

Notetaker: Daniel Michelson

Icebreaker: What is one fun thing you are doing these days? Hobby, passion project?

Welcome New UAC MembersBrittany Newberry (Unlicensed)

7 New UAC Members:

  • Joanne Archer
  • Liz Beckman
  • Regina Carra
  • Bailey Hoffner
  • Margaret Turman Kidd
  • Matthew Neely
  • Cory Nimer
5 minutesProgram UpdateChristine Di Bella
  • release 2.8.0 came out last month; note that you will need to update the LCNAF plugin separately no matter what version you're using due to a change on LC's end
  • Thanks to all who participated in the Annual Member Forum; presentations and recordings now up at ArchivesSpace Member Forum 2020
  • We're collecting feedback on the antiracism and inclusion ideas that have come out of our community discussions. Please add your thoughts:

10 minutesSub-team Reports
Please report updates since the last UAC meeting on May 11

Development Prioritization

Daniel MichelsonReviewed 41 Jira tickets.  Outgoing co-leads (Lydia Tang and Maggie Hughes) worked with incoming co-leads (Dan Michelson and Randy Kuehn) on leadership transition.  Dan and Randy met to discuss ways to improve workflows in the coming year.

DocumentationKrista Oldham (Unlicensed) Johanna Carll

The team, with support from Jessica Crouch, updated documentation or added new pages in support of the launch of version 2.8.0.  Pages included relate to setting user preferences in the staff interface, changes to the LCNAF plug-in, and merging top containers.  In related work, Jessica also added a page for the resource CSV importer.  Outgoing lead Jasmine Jones worked with in-coming co-leads (Johanna Carll and Krista Oldham) on leadership transition.

TestingJoshua ShawThe testing team performed standard regression testing and tested 35 specific JIRA issues for the 2.8.0 release.

UsabilityLori Dedeyan (Unlicensed)We produced and sent out a report on the  Collection Organization view and received over ten responses. We are discussing how to move forward for the coming year.  We had our first meeting of the year and discussed our working methods for reviewing tickets.

Member EngagementBrittany Newberry (Unlicensed)Member Engagement will have their first sub-team meeting later this month. We will create a work plan and identify projects for the term

20 minutesDiscussion

Sub-team Workplans/Retrospectives
Each sub-team needs to review the retrospectives from 2019-2020 and create work plans for 2020-2021. Work plans should be added to the wiki for each sub-team by Sept. 1

Vice Chair

Information on Vice Chair:

  • Workload:
    • The workload of the Vice Chair position is fairly light - it’s mostly comprised of familiarizing yourself with the Chair duties to ensure a smooth transition in leadership at the end of the term. It might involve a couple of hours a month, depending on the month.
  • Responsibilities:
    • Occasionally leading a few UAC meetings.
    • Collaborating with UAC Chair to plan UAC meetings, making UAC-related decisions, helping support sub-teams. This typically happens over email and a couple of phone meetings.
    • Attending TAC/UAC Coordinating Committee meetings. The Coordinating Committee serves to facilitate information sharing between the Technical and User Advisory Councils, planning of joint council activities, and sharing feedback from council members for the Governance Board.

Monthly Meetings?
UAC currently meets bi-monthly. Thoughts on meeting monthly?

Recurring Meetings?
Thoughts on setting up a recurring meeting or continuing to use Doodle poll to schedule?
10 minutesOther Business
