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5 10 min

Welcome New Members and Introductions!

Rachel Searcy

Introduce yourself!

Name, pronouns (if you’re comfortable), where you work, how long have you been on Council

🧊 Icebreaker: What is your favorite potato preparation?

5 2 minutes

Roster Updates

Rachel Searcy

👋 A warm welcome to our newest members:

  • Dianne Biunno

  • Jacqueline Devereaux

  • Alexander Duryee

  • Bonnie Gordon

  • Brianna McLaughlin

  • Michelle Paquette

5 min

About This Meeting

Rachel Searcy

  • This group meets monthly for the first half of the term; potential to move to bi-monthly in 2024

  • Meetings typically consist of:

    • Overall TAC report

    • Report from ArchivesSpace program manager

    • Report from each sub-team, usually by sub-team Lead, on recent work

    • Block of time for discussion around a particular topic, demo, skillshare, or guest speaker (more tbd)

  • Cancel either December or January meeting?

  • September and (likely) February will be joint meetings with UAC

5 min

Program Update

Christine Di Bella

10 min

Sub-team Updates (if any)

Development Prioritization:
Matt Strauss

Elizabeth Dunham

Metadata Standards:
Kevin Clair Regine Heberlein

Technical Documentation:
Jenna Silver

Austin Munsell

It’s okay if you don’t have an update for the first meeting of term. Use this time to ask any start-of-term questions you may have, and if you have neither updates nor questions, that’s cool! But you will have to say something in September 🥴

  • Development Prioritization:

  • Integrations:

  • Metadata Standards:

  • Technical Documentation:

  • Testing:

5 minutes

The Year Ahead

Rachel Searcy

📆 Yearly Timeline of Council Activities : this page in the Council Handbook gives a month-by-month breakdown of Council activities, as well as who is responsible for those activities.

  • Terms begin in July and end in June. In June and July there is typically little Council work outside of the Chair’s responsibilities.

  • Council-wide meetings occur monthly beginning in August. TAC typically switches to bi-monthly meeting after January. Often the December or January meeting is cancelled.

  • Joint TAC/UAC meetings are held twice a year, once early in the term (usually September) and again towards the end of the term.

  • Workplans are due and presented at the first joint meeting in September.

  • Cancel December or January meeting?

  • Online member forum in the spring – Council participation is strongly encouraged.

  • Most Council work wraps up in June. Sub-teams complete a retrospective and work to make term-to-term transition as easy as possible.

  • Sub-teams usually meet monthly, although this can vary based on the work and needs of the sub-team (e.g., Testing).

5 min

Program Update

Christine Di Bella

10 min

Sub-team Updates (if any)

Development Prioritization:
Matt Strauss

Elizabeth Dunham

Metadata Standards:
Kevin Clair Regine Heberlein

Technical Documentation:
Jenna Silver

Austin Munsell

It’s okay if you don’t have an update for the first meeting of term.

15 Use this time to ask any start-of-term questions you may have, and if you have neither updates nor questions, that’s cool! But you will have to say something in September 🥴

  • Development Prioritization:

  • Integrations:

  • Metadata Standards:

  • Technical Documentation:

  • Testing:

10 min

TAC Business

Rachel Searcy

  • Documentation and Workspaces:

    • Council Handbook

    • Atlassian accounts for Confluence and JIRA, and Google Drive permissions should be up-to-date; if you or a member of your team do not have access to something you should, let me know!

  • Expectations for sub-teams:

    • Hold first meeting, if you have not already

    • Craft workplan for the term, to be presented at the TAC/UAC meeting in September

  • Subteam Leads/Vice Leads Group

  • Goals for the term:

    • Make monthly meetings more engaging and value-added

    • Strengthen community of current and former Advisory Council members

    • Identify pathways to leveling up

  • Themes for the term:

    • Continue to emphasize continuity between terms

    • Maintenance for the things we create

    • Support and value professional service

10 minutes


Rachel Searcy

What goes in a workplan:

  • Identify overall goals for the term

  • Identify specific tasks or projects to accomplish

  • Optional: identify opportunities for new or continued collaboration with other sub-teams (both within TAC and across to UAC)

  • Optional: identify themes for how you intend to approach your work

  • Optional: identify projects or areas that are out-of-scope for the term


  • Review your sub-team’s workplan and retrospective from the previous year

  • Be realistic! Small, achievable goals are important!

  • Think long-term about maintenance

Other notes about workplans:

  • Sub-team Leads will be asked to present a summary of their workplans at the September TAC/UAC meeting

  • TAC and UAC Chairs and Co-Chairs will meet after the September meetings to review all workplans to identify areas for support or further collaboration

5 2 min

Future meetings

Rachel Searcy

  • I will attempt to set repeating meeting times to reduce Doodles

  • If you are interested in coordinating topics for future meetings, let me know!

  • We will hold our first Joint TAC/UAC Meeting in September on Wednesday, September 27th at 12pm EST

5 min

Open Mic


Suggestions from open mic:

5 min

Closing Notes

Suzanne Reller Rachel Searcy

Joint TAC/UAC Meeting in September (instead of TAC meeting)
