2023-08-24 TAC meeting notes


Aug 24, 2023 at 1pm EST / 12pm CST / 11 am MST / 10am PST

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  • @Rachel Searcy , TAC Chair

  • @Austin Munsell , TAC Vice Chair

  • @Suzanne Reller , UAC Chair, ex-officio

  • @Rebecca Baugnon , UAC Vice Chair, ex-officio

  • @Christine Di Bella, ASpace Program Manager

  • @Jacqueline Asaro

  • @Diane Biunno

  • @Kate Bowers

  • @Elizabeth M. Caringola

  • @Kevin Clair

  • @Elizabeth Dunham

  • @Alexander Duryee (Deactivated)

  • @Bonnie Gordon

  • @Regine Heberlein -Absent

  • @Brianna McLaughlin

  • @Paige Monlux - Regrets

  • @Michelle Paquette - Regrets

  • @Elizabeth Roke -Absent

  • @Jenna Silver

  • @Tom Steele

  • @Matt Strauss

  • @Cheylon Woods -Absent

 Discussion topics

  • Welcome new members, welcome back to returning members!

  • Preview the year ahead for TAC

  • Introduce workplans and opportunities for collaboration

  • Discuss upcoming meetings

Notetaker and Attendance: @Austin Munsell









10 min

Welcome New Members and Introductions!

@Rachel Searcy

Introduce yourself!

Name, pronouns (if you’re comfortable), where you work, how long have you been on Council, which sub-team(s) you are on

Icebreaker: What is your favorite potato preparation?

2 minutes

Roster Updates

@Rachel Searcy

A warm welcome to our newest members:

  • Jacqueline Asaro

  • Dianne Biunno

  • Alexander Duryee

  • Bonnie Gordon

  • Brianna McLaughlin

  • Michelle Paquette

Recording of orientation is available at https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1QMUAEannKX7L0lCbSKjHAR-9Z4SKm_Yn?usp=drive_link

3 min

About This Meeting

@Rachel Searcy

  • This group meets monthly for the first half of the term; potential to move to bi-monthly in 2024

  • Meetings typically consist of:

    • Overall TAC report

    • Report from ArchivesSpace program manager

    • Report from each sub-team, usually by sub-team Lead, on recent work

    • Block of time for discussion around a particular topic, demo, skillshare, or guest speaker (more tbd)

    • Open Mic at end

5 minutes

Program Update

@Christine Di Bella

  • Brian Hoffman left ArchivesSpace as of August 18. We’re working on posting the Tech Lead position. We’re very fortunate to have two other full-time developers on the team, but there will understandably be an impact on the development work we were expecting to complete through the end of the year. We’re discussing this as a team and will have more information to share with the community soon.

  • Our new part-time Program Assistant Bailey-Grace Harrell started on August 21. She’ll be providing support in different areas of the program, focusing on our events and communications to start.

  • We’ll be putting out a small patch release, v3.4.1, to address a few issues found with 3.4.0 as people started using it in production more. We hope to release it by the end of this week.

5 minutes

The Year Ahead

@Rachel Searcy

Yearly Timeline of Council Activities : this page in the Council Handbook gives a month-by-month breakdown of Council activities, as well as who is responsible for those activities.

  • Terms begin in July and end in June. In June and July there is typically little Council work outside of the Chair’s responsibilities.

  • Joint TAC/UAC meetings are held twice a year, once early in the term (usually September) and again towards the end of the term.

  • Workplans are due and presented at the first joint meeting in September.

  • Quarterly reports to the Governance Board in August, October, January, and May

  • Cancel December or January meeting?

  • Online member forum in the spring – Council participation is strongly encouraged.

  • Most Council work wraps up in June. Sub-teams complete a retrospective and work to make term-to-term transition as easy as possible.

  • Sub-teams usually meet monthly, although this can vary based on the work and needs of the sub-team (e.g., Testing).

10 min

Sub-team Updates (if any)

Development Prioritization:
@Matt Strauss

@Elizabeth Dunham

Metadata Standards:
@Kevin Clair @Regine Heberlein

Technical Documentation:
@Jenna Silver

@Austin Munsell

It’s okay if you don’t have an update for the first meeting of term, but you will have to say something in September

  • Development Prioritization:

    • Welcomed new members Mattie Clear, Alexander Duryee, Bonnie Gordon, Brianna McLaughlin, Cory Nimer and Dillon Thomas

    • Matthew Neely, Lead, and Matt Strauss, Vice-Lead, will serve for 2023-2024.

    • Reviewed 6 tickets.

    • Discussed ideas for 2023-2024 workplan.

  • Integrations:

    • Have not met yet, but meeting soon

    • Plan to migrate to Awesome ArchivesSpace and sunset the team.

  • Metadata Standards:

    • First meeting will be Monday, 8/28

  • Technical Documentation:

    • First meeting next Wednesday, 8/30

  • Testing:

    • No testing work yet

    • Meeting in mid-September

10 min

TAC Business

@Rachel Searcy

10 minutes


@Rachel Searcy

What goes in a workplan:

Guidelines for ArchivesSpace Council Sub-Teams | Sub team Workplans


  • Identify overall goals for the term

  • Identify specific tasks or projects to accomplish

  • Optional: identify opportunities for new or continued collaboration with other sub-teams (both within TAC and across to UAC)

  • Optional: identify themes for how you intend to approach your work

  • Optional: identify projects or areas that are out-of-scope for the term


  • Review your sub-team’s workplan and retrospective from the previous year

  • Be realistic! Small, achievable goals are important!

  • Think long-term about maintenance

  • Feel empowered to be creative

Other notes about workplans:

  • Sub-team Leads will be asked to present a summary of their workplans at the September TAC/UAC meeting

  • TAC and UAC Chairs and Co-Chairs will meet after the September meetings to review all workplans to identify areas for support or further collaboration

3 min

Open Mic


Suggestions from open mic:

2 min

Closing Notes

@Rachel Searcy

  • Future TAC meetings: 3rd Thursday at 1pm EST/10am PST (October 19th, November 16th, December 21st (maybe), January 18th…)

  • If you are interested in coordinating topics for future meetings, let me know!

  • We will hold our first Joint TAC/UAC Meeting in September on Wednesday, September 27th at 12pm EST

  • TAC/UAC Fall Coffee Chat: https://doodle.com/meeting/participate/id/el7WOJ1d


 Action items

@Rachel Searcy and @Austin Munsell will look into Awesome ArchivesSpace GitHub edit access for @Elizabeth Dunham and @Paige Monlux for Integrations work
