2022-06-07 Meeting notes


Jun 7, 2022



  • @Randy Kuehn

  • @Matthew Neely

  • @Daniel Michelson

  • @saron tran

  • @Angela White

  • @Tom Steele

  • @Althea Topek

  • @Christine Di Bella

  • @Brian Hoffman (Unlicensed)


 Discussion topics

Topic / Who




Topic / Who




@Randy Kuehn

  1. https://archivesspace.atlassian.net/browse/ANW-1453

  1. Pass - Typeahead does not adhere to expected behavior

  2. Recommend sending to Usability for input

  1. Pass for limiting to the record, not the related agents

  2. Technical questions, just use multiple tabs. Submit a ticket for admin view of an entire instance

@Matthew Neely

  1. This appears to be a bug. Recommend passing. Also requests to prevent or allow the subject import should be submitted in a separate ticket.

  2. Ticket is requesting ability to transfer multiple components between resources. I think this would be a good feature if this is technically possible

  1. Pull request already submitted; Use case on why you want to delete? Just go with the toggle

  2. Similar to previous ticket. Would need a spec for this

@Daniel Michelson

  1. Detailed explanation of how to fix this added by Metadata Standards, pass.

  2. This is essentially four vaguely related tickets, recommend closing and asking submitter to resubmit as individual tickets, but here are some specifics:

    1. Item 1: An audit trail for archival objects is desired. This would presumably require significant changes to the application and is neither a usability nor a deaccession issue, so it should be its own ticket.

    2. Item 2: Event records are based on PREMIS, so removal of Deaccession as an option is not possible. It’s not clear to me what is meant by “link to the Deaccession module from this selection.”

    3. Item 3: Deaccessions are not standalone records, so they cannot be linked to multiple records. Event records could be used for this purpose, so it’s not clear to me that this is a necessary feature.

    4. Item 4: Very workflow and situation specific, if this is important to a specific institution, they can consider creating a plugin.

  1. Already resolved

  2. Close, resubmit as individual items. @Daniel Michelson will submit comments

@saron tran

  1. looks like i didn’t catch it was a dupe-- but Christine did

  2. pass-- think it’s an okay idea-- but could probably use more finer details--

  1. Done

  2. Close, plugin? Publish checkboxes.


@Angela White

  1. This makes sense, pass.

  2. I like this and hope it’s possible from a development standpoint. Pass.

  1. Pass

  2. Close. New spawning specification. Check with Christine

@Tom Steele

  1. This is rather a continuation of the date certainty we discussed last meeting. pass.

  1. Since Metadata Standards has discussed this I assume we pass it? Minor priority seems right.

  1. Pass

  2. Pass

@Althea Topek

  1. Tested on Chrome and Safari - can not replicate but the tree jumps to the bottom when the window is small (but stays in place for tree-width adjustment). Close.

  2. Display parallel names in search - pass

  1. @Daniel Michelson replicated in Firefox, Pass

  2. Leave to next term. MARC doesn’t distinguish, btw parallel names and name forms , EAC-CPF does

 Action items
