2022-10-11 TAC meeting notes


Oct 11, 2022

Zoom Info

In meeting invite


  • @Valerie Addonizio , TAC Chair

  • @Rachel Searcy , TAC Vice Chair

  • @Regina Carra, UAC Chair, ex-officio

  • @Christine Di Bella, ASpace Program Manager

  • @Sarit Hand

  • @Regine Heberlein

  • @Brian Hoffman (Unlicensed)

  • @Randy Kuehn

  • @Austin Munsell

  • @Elizabeth Roke - Regrets

  • @Kevin Schlottmann

  • @Elizabeth Dunham

  • @Jenna Silver

  • @Tom Steele

  • @Matt Strauss

  • @Elizabeth M. Caringola

  • @Paige Monlux

  • @Kate Bowers

  • @Kevin Clair

  • @Cheylon Woods - regrets




 Discussion topics

Notetaker: @Valerie Addonizio

Attendance: @Rachel Searcy









2 min


@Valerie Addonizio


5 min

Program Update

@Christine Di Bella


10 min

Advanced training for TAC

@Valerie Addonizio

Two part discussion. First, discuss training needs.

Second, live survey for relative levels of interest.

Let’s talk about training:

  • GitHub and being a maintainer;

  • Advanced Jira ticket filtering and searching;

  • Spinning up your own test servers (Docker);

  • ASpace architecture;

  • Ruby

  • ?

20 min

Sub-team Updates

Development Prioritization:
@Randy Kuehn

@Sarit Hand

Metadata Standards:
@Regine Heberlein

Technical Documentation:
@Rachel Searcy

@Austin Munsell

Valerie’s fault for such a late agenda, apologies!

  • Development Prioritization:

    • Met twice (Sep 6 and Oct 4)

    • Put together workplan

    • Reviewed 23 tickets (13 passed for development, 1 passed for community development, 3 closed, 6 awaiting more information)

  • Integrations:

  • Metadata Standards:

    • received an orientation of the EAD importer from Brian Hoffman

    • rescheduled our meeting so some of us can sit in on the DevPri meetings

    • sent an email to the community to gather information about current EAD-CPF use

    • have been discussing the need for a Data Model Documentation Task Force

  • Technical Documentation:

    • Merged pull requests and closed (some) open issues

    • Clarified history of Github repository as documentation platform

    • Reached out to User Docs for potential collaboration/info-sharing

    • Will be reassessing current organizational structure of documentation

    • Will be monitoring and actively participating in email listservs more frequently

  • Testing:

    • Completed an introductory session with new members (these will continue ad hoc throughout the year when there are tickets/new release candidates to test)

    • Completed testing for latest round of Jira tickets

5 min

Training Survey

@Valerie Addonizio


10 min

Info Pathways

@Valerie Addonizio

In the recent joint meeting we discussed the potential for teams to pass information back and forth not just this term or on specific projects, but as a big-picture exploration of how and whether info should pass between councils and teams on a more permanent basis. This flowchart was drafted in that spirit:

2 min

Future meetings

@Valerie Addonizio

November - Testing

December - Metadata

January - No meeting

February - Joint meeting with UAC (DevPri)

March - Integrations

April - Tech Docs

Subteam Discussion sessions. You may choose from these topics:

  • Something relevant to your subteam’s workplan, like workshopping an idea, getting feedback on a decision

  • Suggestions for TAC documentation/training

  • Simply to tell us what your subteam does! Walk us through a recent agenda, talk about a recent decision, peel back the curtain on your subteam!

5 min

Open Mic



5 min

Closing Notes

@Valerie Addonizio

November - Testing

We will have a meeting in December, but we will NOT have a meeting in January.

 Action items
