2024-01-23 UAC Meeting agenda and notes

Jan 23, 2024 12pm ET/ 11am CT/ 10am MT/ 9am PT

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@Rebecca Baugnon (Vice Chair)

@Susannah Broyles

@Kellen Carpenter (Unlicensed)

@Regina Carra

@Mattie Clear

@William Clements

@Christine Di Bella (Ex-Officio, Program Manager)


@Matthew Gorham

@Margaret Kidd

@Ryan Lee

@Jaime Margalotti

@Matthew Neely

@Cory Nimer – Regrets

@Mary Pedraza

@Suzanne Reller (Chair)

@Rachel Searcy (Ex-Officio, TAC Chair)

@Keli Schmid

@Chris Tanguay


@Ashley Williams Clawson


  • Update members on UAC activities including activities of sub-teams

  • Discussion: Learn about the User Documentation Subteam


  • @Mattie Clear









10 mins


@Suzanne Reller

Icebreaker: Do you prefer board games or card games?

5 mins

UAC Updates

@Suzanne Reller

Quarterly board report contributions due this Thursday, January 25th

  • No big update with the holidays

  • Reminder to add notes to quarterly report by Friday

5 mins

Program Update

@Christine Di Bella

New tech lead started yesterday! - Thimios Dimopulos - will be at next joint meeting

Testing ongoing for new update/release

Virtual member forum announcement and calls for proposals forthcoming

5 mins

Sub-team Reports (if any)




Development Prioritization

@Matthew Neely

Reviewed 10 tickets at December meeting (no meeting held in January.

Presented at Member Engagement mixer in December.


User Documentation

@Rebecca Baugnon

Completed work on “Managing Subjects” section review.

Completed spreadsheet documenting Resource record fields that publish in the PUI; began discussing next steps for how to incorporate this information into the User Manual.

Determined next steps in workplan with regard to manual review - will focus on PUI documentation.



@Ryan Lee

Regression testing for 3.5.0 - goal to be done by end of the month

3 new tickets testing

3 retests of previous tickets



@Kellen Carpenter

Completed a community survey on multilingual description needs, and established a task force of interested partners. First meeting held January 10, with a follow-up in early February.

The group will initially focus on developing use cases for community feedback, which should be available in March.


Member Engagement

@Mary Pedraza

  • Held successful event Dec 12 with Matthew, thanks again!

  • Instituting Take a Break with ArchivesSpace, first Friday informal event, come along if you like!

    • Feb 2 at 12pm EST (Zoom)

  • Meeting this week to pick date/topic for Member Match Mixer 3 (will be sometime early to mid March). Open to having another sub-team join us (please). Email Mary if interested!


Code of Conduct Review Task Force

@Regina Carra

@Mary Pedraza

Task force officially assembled! Distributed call for community volunteers – received one volunteer

First “official” meeting of full task force is next week

Initial goals: review existing code of conduct, decide on DEAI facilitator

5 mins

Open Mic/Questions for Subteams



15 mins

Subteam Discussion/Demonstration: User Documentation

@Rebecca Baugnon

User Manual - If you are a member you have access to this - https://archivesspace.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/ArchivesSpaceUserManual/pages/909934631

  • descriptive not proscriptive. Meant to describe what something does or doesn’t do. Doesn’t provide use guidance. Individual repositories are responsible for how they implement a feature

  • Purpose of subteam:

    • Create documentation for new functionality

      • work completed in a limited time frame - between testing and release candidate

      • work includes page versioning, updated screenshots, drafting of language and more depending on extent of feature

      • Includes documentation in response to user needs

    • Update user manual documentation

      • update in response to new release

      • document responses to page comments, Jira tickets, and direct feedback

        • directions for how these comments work is available on the first page of the user manual

        • team will get notified of these comments and will act accordingly

      • systematic review of the user manual

    • maintain communication with other subteams

      • work closely with dev-pri, testing, and tech docs

      • open to other collaboration

  • Current projects

    • Reviewing managing subjects section

    • assessment of fields that publish in PUI

    • creation of documentation ahead of anticipated version release

    • Looking at PUI materials moving forward

  • How can you contribute?

    • See something - say something

    • collaborate

  • Discussion focused on PUI content in manual

    • How do we want the info represented?

      • screenshots helpful

      • mixed bag of how folks liknk or don’t link to the user manual in their institutional documentation

    • spreadsheet data in confluence - how make it pretty?

      • contact metadata standards committee

  • Questions for User Docs:

    • What is your timeline on documentation for new releases?

      • It varies and can be hard because there is varying info on what is given to them based on the tickets and the changes that were made

      • We can help by submitting feedback when things are missing or are unclear

5 mins

Questions and Final Thoughts

@Suzanne Reller


5 mins

Announcements and Next Steps

@Suzanne Reller

Next meeting: Our February meeting will be a joint meeting with TAC on February 28 at 12pm Eastern/9am Pacific.