2021-08-27 Meeting agenda and notes

Aug 27, 2021 at 2pm ET/ 1pm CT/ 12 pm MT/ 11am PT

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@Regina Carra

@Bailey Hoffner

@Patrick Milhoan

@Sarah Ponichtera - regrets

@kate (Unlicensed)Blalack

@Jessica Crouch


  • Recap Member Match Mixer

  • Revise Member Engagement Subteam Intro Page

  • Finalize work plan for term





Member Match Mixer Recap

  • Discuss what worked/could be improved

  • Discuss any ideas for Member Match Program that came up during/after the event

Went well in each of the rooms


  • Suggestion to think about how to support institutions in creating their own institution-specific manuals and documentation

  • perhaps with the user docs sub-team

  • “show me your user guide” session

  • have each of the sub-teams come up with member engagement ideas specific to their goals and skills

  • Member Match specific listserv or space for sharing resources?

    • some hesitation around listserv - concerns about user frustrations

    • if not a listserv, must be a very low bar for entry - some people really only use email

  • We’ll return to this in a future meeting: how to lower bar of entry for member match communications

ArchivesSpace Diversity Partnership Program update

  • Any updates? Actions?

Regina received list of matches for ADP from Brittany Newberry

Not required for ADP members, but available to them


  • We have only 1 ready to be matched: we can wait until October meeting to set up any member matches for ADP

  • Regardless of member match status, would like to invite ADP members to member match programming

Revise Member Engagement Wiki Intro Page

(current page)

https://docs.google.com/document/d/1GDc-s0vprseRNiu0rtxAAoIg5xlRZnBFnBp4vpK-KgI/edit?usp=sharing (edited text)

Rollover task from last term

Major addition: Each subteam must include a “skills” section

Regina did a first pass at proposing revisions

Revisions approved!

Work Plan for the term

  • Discuss

Regina working on subteam leadership expectations

Bailey working to fill out the Member Match calendar

Work Plan:

  • documenting what works and doesn’t and then making recommendations/changes while we’re thinking about it

  • perhaps adding a regular little check-in section to our agendas to “Assess and make changes to program and administrative documents”

  • new project ideas:

    • for “Making the Case for ArchivesSpace Membership,” perhaps reach out to presenters that have already been done, to see if we can’t utilize things that are already out there, as a way to help get this done without too much extra labor

    • Jessica: people want 1-minute elevator speech to take to their Dean, super simple, super digestible

    • Jessica: perhaps survey active users for how they convinced their admin OR Jessica could draft something within certain parameters that we could then make comments/edits/etc. on

Anything else?

Potential brainstorming sessions:

  • Listserv/communication option for Member Match participants

  • “Making the Case for ArchivesSpace Membership” brainstorming to support Jessica’s first draft

Bailey will work on more fleshed-out calendar draft for review at next meeting