2024-01-22 Meeting Agenda


Jan 22, 2024


  • @Rebecca Baugnon

  • @Regina Carra

  • @Jessica Crouch

  • @Kelly.Francis

  • @Matthew Gorham

  • @Margaret Kidd



Users Docs ArchivesSpace Instance


 Discussion topics

Agenda Item



Agenda Item



Lead Discussion at UAC Meeting

User Docs is responsible for leading the discussion at the January UAC meeting. Discuss PowerPoint and possible discussion topics.




Help Center Section Review

Subjects module: Check-in on progress (Matthew)


Need to wrap up two pages in the Subject Module, then this review will be complete.

Published fields in the PUI

Team discussion of how to present this information in the documentation.



PUI Documentation

Begin making plans for how to approach pulling content for new PUI section.


New Release - Documentation

Below are tickets included in the next release that require updates to the User Manual. From Jessica:

ANW 1836 – This ticket provides an option in the collection organization for a resource in the PUI to load all records at once (just a screenshot and a clarifying line in the docs)

ANW 1101 – Allows users to set the columns they want in manage top containers

ANW 1477 – Password reset functionality for users

ANW 504 – Allows an agent to be marked as “primary” for a record (clarifying line and a screenshot)

ANW 1718 – Reorder mode revamped and changes to the toolbar (this one is still getting attention so too early for screenshots)

If you have free time, try to familiarize yourself with the tickets in anticipation of creating new and/or updating documentation for the release.

Development updates

Discuss any updates as needed.


February meeting

Reschedule? Cancel? Check-in via e-mail?


 Action items
