Dev Pri 2024-2025 workplan

Specific Tasks and Projects

Ongoing tasks

  • The primary work of Dev Pri will continue to be reviewing and prioritizing tickets for development.

  • Meeting agendas to be shared with TAC and UAC and an open invitation extended to council members to join if there are any tickets they are interested in commenting on.

  • Solicit feedback from ArchivesSpace community on certain tickets to inform Dev Pri discussions

  • Progress "Awaiting More Information" Jira tickets by providing necessary information/specifications and/or contacting the original submitter to move the process forward.

New projects for this term

  • Formalize and document process for Dev Pri to edit Jira tickets.

  • Provide support to community on submitting Jira tickets.  Possible methods include a presentation at virtual forum, offering times for one-to-one support, and providing an unstructured session where people can bring questions.

Maintenance activities

  • Lead @Matt Strauss and Vice-lead @Brianna McLaughlin to ensure leader guidance and Dev Pri subteam guidance is up to date ahead of 2025-2026 term and Lead handover.