Topics for the ArchivesSpace User Screencast Series

Topics for the ArchivesSpace User Screencast Series

Please contact Christine (christine.dibella@lyrasis.org) if you would like to record a video for one of these topics. You can also suggest additional topics in the comments or by emailing Christine.



Creating a repository record

Christine Di Bella

Creating a user record


Creating a permission group

Christine Di Bella

Assigning a user to a permission group

Kate Tasker

Migrating AT to ASpace using the migration tool

Phillip Suda

Migrating Archon to ASpace using the migration tool

Phillip Suda

Modifying interface labels

Jason Loeffler

Modifying controlled value lists, including translation values

Jason Loeffler

LocalizationJason Loeffler

Setting default values within the application

Kate Tasker

Creating single and batch location records


Creating an accession record


Spawning a resource record from an accession record

Christine Di Bella

Creating a single-level resource record


Resource Records (parent)


Adding multi-level resource description


     Basic info/requirements

Christy Tomecek

     Adding notes


     Adding instances


Resource records (components)


     Using the hierarchical display


     Basic information


Using the Rapid Data Entry (RDE) tool

Miloche Kottman

Working with instances


Creating an agent record

Angela Kroeger

Creating a subject record


Importing authority records


Creating a classification record


Creating a digital object record


Working with sub-records






     External Documents


     Rights Statements


Linking records


Exporting a resource record as EAD or MARCXML

Christy Tomecek

Exporting an agent record as EAC-CPF


Importing EAD (resources)


Importing MARCXML (resources, accessions, agents and subjects)


Importing CSV files (accessions, digital objects)


Importing EAC-CPF (agents)


Data management and cleanup techniques


     Cleaning up controlled value lists after importing data


     Correcting agent and subject variants after importing data


Using plugins 
Writing plugins