2023-01-17 UAC Meeting agenda and notes

Jan 17, 2023 1pm ET/ 12pm CT/ 11am MT/ 10am PT

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  • Valerie Addonizio (ex-officio, TAC Chair)

  • Rebecca Baugnon

  • Johanna Carll

  • Kellen Carpenter

  • Regina Carra (Chair)

  • Christine Di Bella (ex-officio, ArchivesSpace Program Manager)

  • Bailey Hoffner

  • Margaret Turman Kidd

  • Dan Michelson

  • Patrick Milhoan

  • Matthew Neely

  • Cory Nimer

  • Eden Orelove

  • Mary Pedraza

  • Sarah Ponichtera

  • Suzanne Reller (Vice Chair)

  • Erin Ryan

  • Keli Schmid

  • Chris Tanguay

  • Althea Topek - regrets


  • Sub-team Reports

  • Discussion Led by User Documentation Sub-team


  • @Kellen Carpenter (Unlicensed)









5 mins

Ice Breaker

@Regina Carra

Most memorable concert you have attended

5 mins

UAC Updates

@Regina Carra

Happy New Year!

Next Joint TAC/UAC Meeting will be February 21 at 1pm Eastern (i.e. at the regular UAC meeting time)

Board Report contributions due by end of the day (Jan. 17)

There’s a new section in the Handbook for https://archivesspace.atlassian.net/l/cp/AnoF3Nq1

Althea Topek has resigned from UAC -- Thank you Althea

Planning for next term is underway – Nominating Committee will be convening in the coming months. Looking at membership imbalance in the next 2 years. Three members cycling off this year, but ten members cycling in 2024: caused by change in bylaws in 2021. Considering how to deal with this. Some of the folks cycling off who were appointed in 2021 could stay in, particularly if they are going to participate in leadership positions.

Please consider:

  • Leadership on Council/changes in sub-team assignment

  • Sub-team leads: What is the ideal size for your sub-team? (reply to Regina and Suzanne in email)

5 mins

Program Update

@Christine Di Bella

events coming up (local contexts webinar). Planning online forum (likely in March): encourages council participation in this event (such as council panels in recent years). Development for new release: on road-map for January, but more likely next month. Going to include stuff related to the digital objects module discussion this past December.

5 mins

Sub-team Reports




Development Prioritization

@Daniel Michelson

@Matthew Neely

Reviewed 15 tickets (8 passed, 3 closed, 4 awaiting more information)


Users Documentation

@Margaret Kidd @Rebecca Baugnon

  • Continued work on the comprehensive list of fields that publish

  • Currently reviewing Managing User Accounts and User Permission section of the help manual



@Cory Nimer




@Althea Topek @Cory Nimer

  • Althea leaving UAC (good-bye! it’s been a blast!)

  • Cory Nimer leading Usability starting January 23

  • Reviewed bulk updater plug-in at December 2022 meeting


Member Engagement

@Bailey Hoffner @Patrick Milhoan

  • Half-year survey shared out to Member Match Listserv

    • 5 responses so far

  • Completed blog post on Making a Case for ArchivesSpace Membership - to be posted soon

  • Took a break for December

  • Looking forward to promoting our 3rd Member Match event in March with Dan Michelson on Jira ticketing and updating promotional materials as we prepare for our 3rd year of Member Match applications

5 mins

Open Mic/Questions for sub-teams



25 mins

Sub-team Led Discussion

User Documentation Sub-team





Brief overview of what they do: to create and maintain an array of AS documentation in AS help center. When new stuff comes out, they do the initial documentation. Editing and revising user manual.

Project: what fields publish to the PUI.

Open Discussion

Vocal discussion and also encouraged participation on jam board.


Do you use the AS User Manual?

If you don’t use it, why not?

Do you use the manual as part of day-to-day or subteam work? Mostly as a reference for modules or sections that aren’t used regularly.

What do you like most about the manual? Flexible, search, plain language.

 What would you like to see improved? More details. Laid out in unfamiliar way (Confluence is not great). People need to know about it. Hard to see in context.

5 mins

Final thoughts/questions

@Regina Carra



Next Meeting Reminder

@Regina Carra

No UAC meeting in February, instead we will have our Joint TAC/UAC Meeting – February 21 at 1pm Eastern

Sub-team discussion will be led by Development Prioritization