2022-12-19 Meeting notes


Nov 21, 2022, 3 pm EST


  • @Margaret Kidd

  • @Rebecca Baugnon

  • @Johanna Carll (Unlicensed)

  • @Regina Carra

  • @Eden Orelove

  • @Jessica Crouch





 Discussion topics


Agenda Item



Agenda Item



Welcome and hello!




  • Reschedule meeting with TechDocs (Dec 7, 1 PM)

  • Task for our team - create a Technical Resources page in the help manual.

Meeting notes:

For Tech Docs, primary repository is GitHub repo, also some API reference documents

Differences: content and audience. User manual is for members and for archival users. Tech docs for installation, configuration, and is open to non-members

Discuss where there is a cross over between tech docs and user docs, ex., user-defined fields where we waded into how to those fields can be configured, bleeds over into tech doc territory. Can confer with them in the future to work through these.

Posssible solution - linking in the help manual to tech docs

Also could have a page in the manual that links to the top level of tech docs (Technical Resources) and maybe answered for FAQs.

Comprehensive list of fields that do and do not publish in the PUI

  • Continue discussion from last month and check in on any progress made

  • Feedback on the Spreadsheet

  • Added column for User Docs members to claim fields to review

  • Margaret to email Usability team to find out about their work on checking fields that publish/don’t publish

  • Wait until January to being work to make sure not doing double work


JIRA ticket

Ticket submitted by a user that is a documentation issue: .

Margaret to add a sentence clarifying that standard note order is only for the staff-side and is used as a workflow or processing tool – it won’t impact your EAD finding aid or the PUI.

User Manual Review

  • Any new documentation needs on the horizon?

  • Should we choose a small section to review while working on the comprehensive publishing list?

  • Next up will be writing documentation for digital objects

  • Decided to create a Spawning section in the manual and will have pages for spawning related to accessions, resources, archival ojects, etc. Eden volunteered to get it started, Margaret will help draft and review.

  • Next section of the user manual to review: Managing User Accounts and User Permissions

Jan UAC meeting

Thoughts on discussion topic/questions

  • A brief introduction to the User Docs team members and what we do and current work in progress.

  • Topics for discussion:

    • ask the group how many of them use the User Manual?

    • If not, why not and do they have an account?

    • Do you use it for your sub-team work?

    • How often do you refer to it in your day-to-day work?

    • What do you like most about the manual?

    • What would you like to see improved?

Jan User Docs meeting

  • Need to reschedule Jan meeting as it falls on MLK Day. Can we move the meeting to the 9th or another day that week?

Rescheduled to 3 pm on Jan 10