

Friday, August 14,  

10:00 a.m.-11:00 a.m. PDT, 11:00 a.m. - Noon MDT, Noon-1:00 p.m. CDT, 1:00-2:00 p.m. EDT


The call-in info is:

Number: 888-354-0094

Access code: 731627


  • Ed Busch
  • Ann Cooper
  • Mark Cooper
  • Esme Cowles
  • Max Eckard
  • Patrick Galligan
  • Matt Gorzalski
  • Scott Hanrath
  • Rachel Maderik
  • Chris Prom
  • Terry Reese
  • Kari Smith
  • Phil Suda
  • Sally Vermaaten
  • Gordon Daines
  • Brian Hoffman
  • Chris Fitzpatrick
  • Brad Westbrook

Not able to attend:

  • Terry Catapano
  • Noah Huffman
  • Cory Nimer
  • Michael Vandermillen


  • Introduce TAC members for 2015-16
  • Describe TAC, its subgroups, their activities to date, and their activities anticipated during the coming year
  • Choose a TAC chair


Agenda items:







  • Introduce TAC members for 2015-16

All attendees introduced themselves, noting their insitutions.




  • Brief Program Update

Brad Westbrook, with Chris Fitzgerald, provide a brief review of key ArchivesSpace activities since the last TAC meeting. This Included:

  • Development efforts, especially refactoring of the Archon migration script, merging of Yale container manager, improvements of re-ordering and performance problems, and new features added to improve efficiency of the application.
  • Member enrollment / renewal
  • Brad's participation in Social Context and Archival Context (SNAC) meeting in July
  • Member meeting scheduled for 8/22 in Cleveland, OH
  • Board meeting scheduled for same date and place

Brad Westbrook /

Chris Fitzpatrick



  • Describe TAC, its subgroups, their activities to date, and their activities anticipated during the coming year

Brad, in collaboration with Gordon Daines, Esme Cowles, Kari Smith provided an overview of TAC and each of its sub-teams.

Brad Westbrook

Esme Cowles

Kari Smith

Michael Vandermillen



  • Choose a TAC chair

Sally Vermaaten volunteered to serve as chair of TAC for 2015/16 and was unanimously approved by all in attendance.




  •  Establish subgroups and choose leaders

A form will be send out shortly after the meeting asking TAC members to

  • identify their first and second choices for sub-team assignment
  • Whether or not they want to serve on one or two sub-teams
  • Whether or not they are interested in leading a sub-team



  • Using the wiki

Brad noted that the ArchivesSpace wiki shall be the principal means for documenting the activities of TAC and its sub-teams. Agendas and notes for TAC and each sub-team are to be posted to the wiki, as are any documents created.

The TAC chair will announce the to the list the addition of new monthly meeting notes, and each sub-team leader is encouraged to do likewise.


Action items:

Poll TAC members for interests in sub-teams and leadership

Poll TAC members for a monthly meeting date