2020-09-25 Meeting notes

Sep 25, 2020 1 pm EST/ Noon CT/ 11 am MT/ 10 am PT

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Meeting ID: 953 1990 6215

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@Brittany Newberry (Unlicensed)

@Regina Carra

@Bailey Hoffner

@Ashley Knox

@Jessica Crouch

@kate (Unlicensed) Blalack - absent



  • Review ArchivesSpace Code of Conduct

  • Discuss next projects





ArchivesSpace Code of Conduct

Draft: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1UkddP081I1rtytT4PrYisYD4ZG86XapCz1NLZ6q00kg/edit?usp=sharing

discussion of the draft created by Jessica

Team needs to review the code and then we will have the community submit comments before ratifying

Need to decide how to collect comments - create a Google form with it as an attachment

This team will review reports when needed and review the code each year for updates

Next Projects

New member match - change name to Member Match

  • will work on after code of conduct

  • first step in a possible implementation buddies program

  • consider using a form where you indicate your interests and level of implementation/membership (new, current)

  • incentives to join the program - swag - send to people who join

    • limited edition ArchivesSpace swag - mugs to use/ mug decal/ postcards

  • How to start:

    • need to figure out how to match people - consider using Airtable: www.airtable.com

    • need to do the work in the background to match

    • multiple people from institutions can join - available to anyone at the member institution not just the member rep

    • need to not be just one-sided - matches help each other

    • need to figure out questions to ask for people to fill out on the form

      • interests (hobbies; professional interests)- connection with the match

      • institution size/ institutional capacity/hosting service

      • level of expertise

      • geographic location

      • info on the people

      • ArchivesSpace interests/experience

    • need to advertise heavily - maybe two months of advertising

      • send out to listservs

    • yearly commitment

    • each sub-team member will work as a liaison for matches - have a group that we reach out to and assist on a regular process

    • potential member match open calls for all participants involved in the program throughout the year

Implementation buddies program - will group with new member match as one program

UAC Meeting Discussion month

Thoughts on which month we would like lead discussion during the UAC meeting

December and January have been filled

will do October - will share commenting Google doc of draft code of conduct so that council members have time to review it and will give brief overview of project during discussion

Next meeting

October 23, 2020

Action Items: