Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


  • The ability to publish only certain things to the PUI at a very granular level.
    • Specifically, I want to describe everything we have in our holdings, but I don't want everyone who has access to the PUI to see everything what we have.  
    • Example - Board of Trustees materials might have sensitive files (say on executive pay). I may want the Board admin and the Board chairman to link to e-version of what we have but they don't want everyone at the company to know what we have.

Poor ArchivesSpace experiences

  • Jargon such as "Digital Objects", "Accessions", "Classifications".  I don't think folks outside of the archives/ library professional sphere know what this means.  For example in the military, "Classification" means something entirely different.  (yes, we need sensible defaults in ALL of these categories!)
  • Location of container list tree at very bottom of page and default of collapsed view (when tree has a hierarchy); hard to find, confusing to use.
  • Relationship of container list tree to individual components; when a file (for example) is clicked on, the page you are redirected to feels like a dead end (and layout of information on this page is confusing); even with the breadcrumb trail, the context of this page within the larger Resource Record is confusing.
  • When instances are added at the Resource Record level on the staff side, there is not a way to suppress these from view on the PUI; these then appear above the container list tree, dominate the entire record view (more confusion), and make public some info (such as shelving locations) that may be preferred to not be published.
  • Search results are returned in an unclear order, difficult to locate anything specific via searching.
  • Relationship between left-hand facets and results displayed–often not accurate (i.e. clicking on some facets does not limit results displayed to only those results related to that facet–example: selecting a facet for a repository displays results from other repositories in addition to the one clicked on)
  • In main horizontal navigation bar, choices that do not have anything published on the staff side still appear as options (i.e. if no Accession are marked as published, Accessions still appears as an option)
  • "Include components" checkbox above the facets has no context; non-staff users will generally not understand what this means or why/when/etc. to use it.
  • The Sort order option of "Record Type" is meaningless to users.
  • There is no way to know if a keyword search searches all areas of a resource record (notes, components, instances, etc.)
  • The inability to easily unpublish a record, e.g. if a finding aid is being updated, there is no way to "hide" it while changes are being made. This could end up being confusing for users.

Desirable user experience examples
