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5 mins

Roll Call

Daniel Michelson

Icebreaker: Something you’re looking forward to this summer.

5 mins

UAC Updates

Daniel Michelson

  • Reminders:

    • Still looking for a volunteer to serve as UAC vice-chair next year. Reach out to Dan if you are interested.

    • Subteam descriptions need to be updated by the end of the month.

  • Membership changes for upcoming term:

    • Rotating off:

      • Lori Dedeyan

      • Ashley Knox

      • Brittany Newberry

      • Krista Oldham

    • Joining:

      • Sarah Ponichtera (Seton Hall University).

      • Kellen Carpenter (Western Carolina University)

      • Suzanne Reller (University of Cincinnati)

      • Patrick Milhoan (University of Notre Dame)

  • Sarah and Patrick will be on Member Engagement, Kellen will be on Usability, and Suzanne will be on Testing.

  • Joint TAC/UAC orientation will happen in mid to late July for new members of both councils

  • The size of all subteams is expected to remain the same next term, it is possible that some may expand if any of the new members wants to join more than one team.

5 mins

Program Update

Christine Di Bella

  • dates migration in new agents module discussion on Users Group listserv - hold back on migrating if dates are a concern, working on updating

  • next Member Forum happening the first week of August, same time week as SAA, it will virtual and will have a couple days of programming

    • Jessica has put out a call for people to propose sessions - lightning talks and plug-ins

10 mins

Sub-team Reports

Development Prioritization

Daniel Michelson

Reviewed 14 tickets (7 ready for implementation, 3 waiting more information, 4 closed).

Users Documentation

Johanna Carll

Krista Oldham (Unlicensed)

  • Continued to work on page updates in the Accessioning and ArchivesSpace Basics sections of the user documentation

  • Reviewed and updated User Documentation Sub-team description page

  • Reviewed 2020-2021 team retrospective


Joshua Shaw

  • Tested or currently watching 32 JIRA issues.

  • Rachel Searcy has agreed to be vice-lead for next year.

  • The team also reviewed this years retrospective and the updates to the team description.


Lori Dedeyan

Althea Topek

  • Wrapped up year’s tickets, created 3 wireframes, and prioritized outstanding issues for community feedback

  • Joanne Archer has agreed to be lead for next year.

  • Reviewed 2020-2021 team retrospective

Member Engagement

Brittany Newberry (Unlicensed)

Regina Carra

  • Completed creating matches for the first Member Match cohort

  • Discussed plans and priorities for next year

  • Created retrospective

  • final meeting of the year will be on Friday

20 mins

Presentation and Discussion of 2020-2021 Retrospectives

  • Time for retrospectives

    • Three sections:

      • Accomplishments from this term

      • Priorities for next term

      • Leadership assignments for next term

Development Prioritization

Daniel Michelson


Users Documentation

Johanna Carll

Krista Oldham (Unlicensed)

User Documentation Sub-team 2020-2021 Retrospective


Joshua Shaw


Lori Dedeyan

Althea Topek

Member Engagement

Brittany Newberry (Unlicensed)

Regina Carra

Member Engagement 2020-2021 Retrospective

New Business/Final Thoughts

Daniel Michelson

Next Meeting

Daniel Michelson

TBD (late July or early August)

Expect a Doodle poll in early July to set up monthly meeting time.