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  • 2011 recommendation: N/A
  • Current recommendation: This is a term that can mean a variety of different things.  From my perspective, for example, it means "library". Not sure if we should change it. (Sue)
    • Sue: I'm still at a loss about this one.  Synonyms for repository (according to Roget's) are:
      • archive
      • depository
      • storehouse
      • depot
      • magazine
      • safe
      • stockroom
      • vault
      • storage place
      • store room
    • Different institutions probably use the functionality differently. Maybe some configurable hover <abbr> text would be useful for institutions to define Repositories in the way they are using it. —TK
        • I agree with TK here. I don't think we need to reinvent the wheel; "repository" is a common word which covers all of those more specific terms and doesn't bear any additional meanings likely to confuse a researcher.—CS
    • I've never experienced any confusion with researchers in regards to the term repository. We use the term because while some of our special collections units reside in free standing libraries with their own reading rooms, some of our special collections units share a single library and reading room.  Repository is generic enough that it works for a particular special collections department that could be within a library that may house three departments or it is a special collections unit that stands alone.  I think repository is a fine choice for a default term but perhaps, since it is a phrase I heard used by several people in the call, the term "unit" or "collections unit" is functional. - Jessica Crouch
    • We use "Repository" currently and I have never heard anyone being confused about that term.  Confused about many other terms, but not that one.–Susan Pyzynski


  • 2011 recommendation: Resources
  • Current recommendation: Keep
    • "Collections" seemed to be well understood by users in the usability testing.
    • Lets change this to "Collections" (Sue)


  • 2011 recommendation: Digital Objects
  • Current recommendation: Digital Items
    • If this is kept as a top-level item it would make sense to make it clear on the browse page that digital items are a very small subset of what can be found in the physical archives.
    • Also, digital items will need to be given higher visibility within the context of their collections.
  • I think this should be completely rethought.  What these digital objects actually are, are reproductions.  So perhaps using a term like "Images"? (Sue)
        • I would encourage us to retain the word "Digital" here, or something else which clearly signals that this is a facet for materials which are readily accessible online. If I'm a student looking for visual material to augment a paper, I would likely expect that searching for "images" would show me any place where visual, non-textual material can be found, whether they're available online or not. And if I were looking for a letter in a collection, I would likely find the stand-alone term "image" misleading (even though it's technically correct).—CS
        • Why are these digital objects only reproductions?  Surely they could be born-digital objects.  Also, we have a large amount of digitized audio, the word "Images" doesn't work for us.–Susan Pyzynski


  • 2011 recommendation: Accessions
  • Current recommendation: (not sure users understand or care about accession records; does anyone have evidence one way or the other?) Agreed.  Most archives will spawn resource records if they want accessions made discoverable.
    • If an institution wants to make accession records publicly available, using something like Unprocessed Material might make it more clear to users what they might find under it. Also it should be noted on the browse listing and record detail page exactly what a user is seeing. —TK
      • Agreed (Sue)


  • 2011 recommendation: N/A
  • Current recommendation: I'm still not sure what this even means, so not sure what to do with this.  Repository site map?
    • This seems to be functionality that different institutions can use in very different ways, similar to Repositories above.
    • After reading Scott's comments, I'm concluding that Classifications refers to record groups.  This is also a fairly technical term that is only common to records managers and institutional archivists, so I think we will need someone who uses classifications to weigh in with a more user-friendly term (Sue)
    • I would just ask for those of us who don't use it, we can suppress this in our implementation of the front-end.–Susan Pyzynski



  • Recommendation: Administrative Info
    • Reasoning: Summary sounds too much like what one would find in an abstract. This information is of little use to archives users, except the identifier.
  • Summary of what? I dont think the Admin info (e.g., Descriptive Rules) is helpful for patrons.  Keeping collection identifier is a good idea.
    • I vote for getting rid of Administrative info at the object level.  Its pointless (as I tried to point out).  Pulling different info in here, and then labeling it Summary, or even Scope and Contents, would be applicable.  Again, it will depend on what information we choose to actually display here (Sue)
