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  • Valerie Addonizio (ex-officio, TAC Chair) - regrets

  • Rebecca Baugnon

  • Johanna Carll

  • Kellen Carpenter

  • Regina Carra (Chair)

  • Christine Di Bella (ex-officio, ArchivesSpace Program Manager)

  • Margaret Turman Kidd - regrets

  • Dan Michelson - regrets

  • Matthew Neely

  • Cory Nimer

  • Mary Pedraza

  • Sarah Ponichtera - regrets

  • Suzanne Reller (Vice Chair)

  • Keli Schmid

  • Rachel Searcy (ex-officio, TAC Vice Chair)

  • Chris Tanguay


  • Sub-team Reports

  • Review end of term to-do list

  • Council retrospective

  • Discuss any questions members have about end of term/beginning of term






5 mins

Ice Breaker

Regina Carra

Favorite chocolate in the chocolate box

5 mins

UAC Updates

Regina Carra

It’s been awhile! UAC was off in April.

Congrats and thank you to all that participated in this year’s online forum

Two recent resignations: Eden Orelove, Patrick Milhoan

Strong number of nominations for UAC this Spring

5 mins

Program Update

Christine Di Bella

5 mins

Sub-team Reports

Development Prioritization

Daniel Michelson

Matthew Neely

  • Reviewed new centralized guidance on the development process

  • Updated leader guidance documentation in preparation for leadership change

  • Matt Strauss (TAC) agreed to become Vice-Lead for next term

  • Reviewed 13 tickets (10 approved for implementation, 2 closed, 1 awaiting more information)

Users Documentation

Margaret Kidd Rebecca Baugnon

(Johanna reporting out)

  • Completed updates to spawning pages

  • New documentation for the Resource component tree view, ready to publish

  • Drafted new documentation for Make Representative function. Being reviewed and will be published with the new release.

  • Presentation at the Virtual member forum with Tech Docs

  • Updated help pages based on user comments


Cory Nimer


Cory Nimer

Member Engagement

Mary Pedraza

  • Patrick resigned from the sub-team, Mary is stepping up in his and Bailey’s stead

  • Meeting this month to make matches for next year

  • Final member match programming will be listserv discussions and feedback form on end of year email

5 mins

Open Mic/Questions for sub-teams

15 mins

Council Retrospective

Regina Carra Suzanne Reller

10 mins

At the turn of the term checklist and discussion

Regina Carra Suzanne Reller

Things to do by next meeting:

  • Identify Vice Lead for next term

  • Complete sub-team retrospective

  • Tie up projects/make sure documents are saved to Confluence or Google Drive with proper permissions.

Calendar of events:

June-end of term, new cohort notified of acceptance to Council

July-New Member Orientation, typically a slow month for Councils. Maybe Board Report? Look out for Doodles!

August/September-Council and subteams begin in earnest again. Begin drafting workplans and setting goals

October-Joint TAC meeting, submit workplans

Resources for new sub-team leads:

Yearly Timeline of Council Activities

Guidelines for ArchivesSpace Council Sub-Teams

Communication and Collaboration Resources

15 mins

Council Retrospective

Regina Carra Suzanne Reller

5 mins

Final thoughts/questions

Regina Carra

Next Meeting Reminder/Upcoming Events

Regina Carra

Next (and last) meeting of the term – June 20
