Yearly Timeline of Council Activities

Yearly Timeline of Council Activities


This is a summary of leadership responsibilities at all levels of Councils (Chairs, Vice Chairs, Subteam Leads) and may change from year to year. Update as needed.  Except where noted, these apply both to TAC and UAC.

Month/Time of Year



Month/Time of Year




The Aspace Program Manager (so: not you) completes the following tasks around July 1 of every term. Chairs are not responsible for these, and you’ll need to assume these have already been completed before proceeding. These tasks are listed here for clarity as Council Chairs begin the term:

  • Wiki/Confluence/Atlassian (these are the same thing)

    • Program Manager creates Confluence accounts for any new members that do not already have them

    • Grants new members wiki access and remove access for outgoing members

  • Listservs

    • Program Manager adds new members and incoming vice chairs to the listservs

    • Removes members rotating off and outgoing Chairs

  • Program Manager updates the Councils page on the ArchivesSpace.org website

Program Manager



Membership Responsibilities and Term Activities

Chair and Vice Chair Administrative Info and especially Chair and Vice Chair responsibilities

ArchivesSpace Councils Wiki Organization

Chairs and Vice Chairs


Update wiki space; refer to ArchivesSpace Councils Wiki Organization :

  • Update the current roster

    • Technical Advisory Council > [term year] Rosters, Meeting Agendas, and Notes

    • User Advisory Council > [term year] Rosters, Meeting Agendas, and Notes

  • Create new term's wiki pages (meeting notes, sub-teams, and ad hoc working groups)

    • Technical Advisory Council > TAC Sub-Teams > [team name] > [Term]

    • User Advisory Council> UAC Sub-Teams > [team name] > [Term]



Joint UAC/TAC orientation meeting for new members (also include Program Manager, Vice Chairs, and Governance Board Representative).



Adjust Google Drive permissions:

  • Remove all access for individuals that have rotated off

  • Elevate access for incoming Vice Chairs to include the Admin section and remove access to Admin section for outgoing Chairs

  • Assign new members permissions based on the rules below

  • Confirm and prune the space according to the rules below

Permissions for Google Drive:

  • All TAC members get access to the TAC parent folder

  • All UAC members get access to UAC parent folder

  • Cross-council members get access to Cross-Council parent folder in addition to their home council folder

  • Chairs and Vice Chairs get access to the Admin section

  • Permissions are not managed at the sub-team or item folder level (or if they are, that is done by the subteam Leads, not Chairs), but lower folder permissions should be checked just to be sure all permissions have inherited.

  • If the activities of individual member necessitate changes, those get made by request.

Permissions are not assigned to everything due to the fact that the admin section may have sensitive information and permissions should be as granular as is practical.

Awesome List GitHub Permissions:

The incoming TAC Chair should assign repository permissions to the incoming TAC Vice Chair if they are already part of the ArchivesSpace GitHub organization. If they are not, the Program Manager can assign them this permission level.



Schedule monthly meetings for new term (via Doodle poll).

This is always painful. Here’s some advice:

  • If there was a set time last term, try to start with last term's time with the assumption that returning members already have that time clear and only new members would need to fit it in

  • Consider issuing one huge Doodle poll to all members for all of July and August and then distributing the resulting spreadsheet (downloaded from Doodle) to all leadership roles. This would allow one poll to be used by both the Chairs (planning large meetings) and the Leads, who can isolate their members' availability form the larger picture and plan smaller meetings.



At the discretion of subteam leads, subteams may start work. The deadline for term workplans is September.

Subteam leads


TAC and and UAC kickoff meetings

  • Invite opposite council Chairs and Vice Chairs. Note that Vice Chairs are only required to attend the first meeting of the year as noted in Chair and Vice Chair responsibilities

  • Review sub-teams and ad hoc working groups

  • Review last year's Retrospective



Subteams that didn't start work in July, start work. The deadline for term workplans is September.

Subteam leads


When reminded by Christine Di Bella of the deadline (via email), prompt subteam leaders to contribute to Joint Quarterly Report (email template and report template). Access to the report template is restricted, but future Chairs should be able to use that link based on Drive permissions.

Chairs may decide to alternate taking the lead on this task, with each Chair doing so twice a year.

As of this writing, this was the procedure for the annual reports:

  1. Christine emails to alert Chairs to an upcoming deadline for the next report

  2. Chairs alternate responsibility for creating a new report (using a Word template stored in Google Drive) by creating a new report in Google Drive with a sharing link (anyone with the link can Edit)

  3. Chairs set the subteam contribution deadline approximately one week before the actual deadline

  4. Chairs prompt subteam leads to submit by emailing both dedicated listservs (Email templates). Chairs also submit their own updates. Followup with subteam Leads as needed.

  5. At the deadline, download two copies of the report:

    1. A Word document to be sent to Christine

    2. A PDF to be uploaded to the WIki

  6. Submit Quarterly Report to Governance Board as a Word doc via Christine (via email; copy Board Liaison to Advisory Councils) and upload copy to Joint Quarterly Reports

* The Wiki is the final repository for these reports; Google Drive is a practical tool to compose the report; sending the Word template saved as a .docx is a request by the Board.



When prompted by Chairs, contribute to Joint Quarterly Report. This prompt should come over email via the UAC and TAC listservs.

Subteam leads

Early September

Check in with subteam leads via email to confirm that work has begun, request sub-team leaders present their current term workplans at next meeting. Offer support if needed.


Early September

Subteams complete workplans before Joint TAC/UAC meeting in September

Subteam leads


Joint TAC/UAC meeting to review subteam workplans | Sample Agenda



When reminded by Christine of the deadline, prompt subteam leaders to contribute to Joint Quarterly Report. See August for instructions.



Optionally: December monthly meetings may be canceled.


January / February

Assess expected Council attrition for coming years in advance of Nomination process

Chairs and Vice Chairs


Joint TAC/UAC meeting with subteams reporting on progress with workplan and whether it needs to be adjusted | Sample Agenda

Call for volunteers to serve as Vice-Chairs and Vice-Leads for next year (during meeting and follow-up by e-mail).  Contact the Chair and Vice-Chair or Lead and Vice-Lead respectively.



TAC has the option to switch to bi-monthly meetings (expected in February, April, June). Reducing to bi-monthly meetings was a decision made by a prior TAC Chair, but whether to continue doing so is up to each Chair based on their term goals.



When reminded by Christine of the deadline, prompt subteam leaders to contribute to Joint Quarterly Report. See August for instructions.



Chair of ASpace Nominating Committee asks about number of new members needed for next fiscal year and UAC and TAC chairs respond.



Ask continuing members to consider joining an additional subteam for the following year (if only on one) and contact Chair and Vice-Chair if they are interested. They have until early June to decide.



Participate in ArchivesSpace Nominating Committee



New members get appointed by AS Governance Board.

Individual members should receive their individual appointment email late May/early June and the respective chairs will be copied on that email.

Nominating Committee Chair


When reminded by Christine of the deadline, prompt subteam leaders to contribute to Joint Quarterly Report. See August for instructions.



Introduce retrospective in group meeting and ask all sub-teams to complete by June.



If any Vice-Chair or Vice-Lead positions do not have a volunteer, reach out to individuals and attempt to recruit them


May or June

Chair and Vice Chairs of each council should schedule a meeting to discuss end of term and leadership transition. Optionally consider including the incoming Vice Chair.

Chairs and Vice Chairs

Early June

Deadline for continuing members to decide on joining an additional subteam; send out reminder/prompt by email


Early June

Anticipating the end of term, prompt subteam leads to review their Google Drive folders and:

  • Transfer ownership of important files if they are owned by members who are rotating off

  • Review existing files for relevance, delete or archive old files, leave comments in files if they need explanation, and organize the space for the next term

Let subteam leads know that they can transfer ownership to archivesspacehome[at]gmail[dot]com if needed.

Vice-Chairs, Subteam Leads

Early June

Subteams complete retrospectives before June meeting. Past samples:

2021-2022 Metadata Standards Retrospective

User Documentation Sub-team 2021-2022 Retrospective

2021-2022 Tech Docs Retrospective

2021-2022 Dev Pri Retrospective

Subteam Leads


Retrospective meeting:

  • Theme: What should we start doing, stop doing, keep doing?



Incoming Chairs and Vice Chairs should consider scheduling a meeting to discuss subteam assignments and beginning-of-term responsibilities.

Chairs, Vice Chairs



Membership Responsibilities and Term Activities

Chair and Vice Chair Administrative Info and especially Chair and Vice Chair responsibilities

ArchivesSpace Councils Wiki Organization

and the page you are on right now and make updates and edits as needed to keep info current.



Send out welcome email to new members

Incoming Chairs


Inquire to new members about providing a Google account address for assigning Google Drive permissions. A template for that email is here. Details about assigning permissions are included in the July section.

Incoming Chairs


Assign new members to sub-teams based on needs and interest and notify leads of relevant sub-teams. An easy way to do this is to copy the Lead on when informing the new member of their assignment(s). Also include relevant links to that subteam section on the wiki and links to the Guidebook to help orient the new member.

Incoming Chairs (with assistance from outgoing Chairs)


Deadline for selection of new committee Vice-Chairs and sub-team Vice-Leads

Incoming Chairs (with assistance from outgoing Chairs)

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